Petersburg, 4 : 63-6, 540; Five
  Forks, 4: 712; quoted, 4: 541.
Wise, 0. Jeniings, C capt., 1: :142,
  note; k, 1: 645.
W.lsaiekoln, The, U stni:.r,,, 2: 30;
  4:10, 28, 33.
Wistar, toiec J., U  l'ig.-gRn, liut.-
  ,,l. 71t Pa., 2: 126; 4: 211.
Wliter, td.tgibol ll, U lv't brig.-gen.,
  el. 1I0th 3't., 3:276, notoc; ', 3: 281.
Withcrs, Jones 30., Cntnll.-gv"n., brig.-
  gin., at Shiloh, 1 : 557, 582, 587, 589;
  mai k.-gen., in Ky., 3: 7, 14, 17, CM2; it
  Te-nt., 3: tin; Mtone's River, 3
  1;06, 609, 118, ,21, 625; cited, 1: 251.
_     B. E., tot. 18th V'.., 1: 213.
Wittyniar's Masterpiecc, 1: 60.
Woerner, thbristian, capt. 3d1 N. J.
  bat'y, 4: 173, 579, 181-3.
Woffond, J. L., tapt. Ist Alis. lrt'y,
  3 :470.
     Wum. T., Cbrig.-grn., Southl Mt.,
  2 : 171; Gettysburg, 3 : 331-3, 337:
  Wilderness, 4:125; (old Harbor, 4:
  138; In Shenandoah, 4 : 527-8.
Wolcott, Christopher P., Uaes't se'y
  of war, 1 : 6.
Wolford, Frank, U el,,. 1st Ky. car.,
  1: 383, 387 -8 4 :415.
Woot,-, C battalion, 4: 7,40.
      Runs 1'., lieut.-cui. 17th Ill., 1
      John, C sergeant, 3: 99.
      , John Taylor, C [niaval lieut.]
 col., por't, 1 : 698, 711; 4: 598-9, 625,
 705, 764, 766. Article, "First fight
 of Iron-elrds," 1: 692.
 -    , S. A. 1M., C brig.-gen., 1 :661;
 3 : 13-17, 619, 639, 656, 657.
     , Thos. J., U  maJ.-gen., por't,
  1 :519; Shiloh, 1 : 485, 525; brig.-
  gen., in Ky., B : 7-8; Tenu., 3: 28;
  Ala., B: 36; at Stone's River, 3:
  613, 614, 617, 623, 625-7; Chicka-
  manug campaign, 3 : 642-4, 647, 649,
  655, 654, 667, 658, 662-5, 667, 665-71;
  Chattanooga, 3 : 698, 706-8, 721,
  724-4; Atlanta cam., 4: 294, 296-7,
  301, 908, 313; Tenn., 4 : 446, 448, 450,
  4t1, 467; com'ds Fourth Corps, 4:
  4m6; at Niashvilie, 4: 467, 459, 461.
     , W. W., U chief cog. (uaval),
 Woodall, F. B., eol. 151st Ill., 4 :761.
 Woodbury, Dan'l P.,U b'v't maJ.-gen.,
 _   Dwvight A., eel. 4th Mich., k,
 2 :420.
 Woodhury's Bridge, Va., 2: 383.
 Wooden ships, disasters to, preileted,
 1 :49.
 Woodford, The, U hosp. t'r, 4 : 350.
 Woodhull, Alfred A., U surgeon,
 quoted, 2: 671, 672-3.
 Wooding. Gee. W., capt. Va. bat'y, 2:
 381, 469, 111.
 Woodman, John, U acting master, 4:
 M28, 642.
 Woodruff. Gen. A., lient. 1st V. S. -trt'y,
 Gettysburg, a: 371, 375: k, 3 : 375.
-, B. K., capt. 31st V. S. C. T., k,
4: 564.

Woodrnff, WRn. E., U col. 2d Ky., in
  Ky., 1:375; cmit'ds brigade Stone's
  River, 3 : 619, 621.
-, W. E., Jr., C rapt. Ark. bat'y,
  Wilson's Creek, 1 : 271, 292, .30.
W1'oods, Ch-s. It., U  bt'v't maJj.-gen.
  lielet., 1: f62;  l. 76thi Oliii, 1: :08;
  3: 55; brig.-wer., at 'htattano'.gn,
  3: 721; Atlant a cam....paign, 4: 266,
  ,ite, 301, 32, 330; in Onl., 4: '64;
  qiuoted, 4: 330.
U oodeo it's Gap, Teutn., 3 : f,2.
W.oodslok, Va., 2: 303, 308; 4: 481,
4M8; teliolns )8ept. 2hl, 18A4), 4: 611,
  124; ()0,t. th, 184), 4:513, 525.
Woodwortb, Si. E., U naval lhut., 3:
SM, 169.
W1ool, .l;hn E., U nltai.-gell., 1  5;
  por't, 2 : 1W0; cbiu'd, 'b'p't of N'a.,
  1 :636, 6C9-41: 2: 131; superseded.
  2 :152; lisltituore, 2 : 132; it N. Y.,
W1ooley, Bobt. W., C msJ., 3: 700.
Wonlsey, M. B., U coi'der, 3 : 595.
Wo'rden, John L., U rear-admu., port,'
  1 : 720; Wv, 1: 726; liclt. coin.
  "Monitor," 1 : 719, 721-2, 728;
  --Montauk," 4: 28-9, 31, 33, 35, 36;
  letter to, I_: 726; quoted, 1 :718,729.
Wortb, '. J., V' brlg.-gen., 9- pound;4P. C  
Wounded, rare of, 2: 480, 689-90: suf-
  terings of, B : 424; 4 : 242, 389, 564.
Wright, Albert D., capt. 43d U. S. C.
  T., 4: 567.
-, Ambrose R., C maj.-gen., eol. 3d
Ga., 1: 637-9, 656; Malvern Hill, 2:
393; Gettysburg, 3 : 307, 379; Peter-
borg, 4: 567; quoted, 2:418; 3: 363.
     Cbha. J., Iieut.-col. 27th U. S.
 C. T., Petersburg, 4 : 563 ; w, 4: 567.
       Crafts J., U  eol. 13th Mo.,
 quoted, 1: 514.
 -, E. E., C capt. Tenn. battery,
 3 :607.
      Lieo., U brig.-gen., 2: 698.
      ,G. J.,Ceol.,4:237,238.
      Horatio G., U  tmaj.-gen., por't,
 4 : 228; capt. eng., 1 : 672; Polt
 Royal, 1: 678,6896; brig.-gen., In Ky.,
 3:6, 11; superseded by Burnside,
 a: 684; at Charleston, 4: 21, note;
 4 : 86, 91; Wilderness, 4: 164-6, 118,
 162; Spotsylvania, 4: 133, 166, 168-
 71; com. Sixth Corps, 4: 146, 161,
 171, 177, 213; Cold Harbor, 4: 215-17,
 220, 223, 221-0; at Washington, 4:
 491, note, 498, note, 499, note; in
 Shenandoah, 4 : 506-7, 590-10, 114,
 ,116, 118; on lower Jame-, 4: 174,176;
 near Petersburg, 4 : 709, 716, 718; In
 pursult of Lee, 4:720-2, 729; quoted,
 1 : 712, note; 4 : 114, note.
-    , J. Montgomery, Article," Notes
of a Staff-officer at Perryville," 3:
-, Marcus J., C brig.-gen., 3: W3,
145; at Chickamauga, 3: 661.
     , Rantz, acting gv. Ga.., 4 : 668.
     S,  . T., C capt. La. ha)t', 4: 155.
     ,Thos., naj. 31st U. S. C. T., 4:
 567; w, 4: 566.


Wright River, savannah, 2 : 5.
Wrightsville, Pa., 3: 268.
Wyaluning, The, U gun-hoat, 4: 628,
Wyandotte, Tile, U steamer, 1 : 27, 29,
  31, 014.
Wyman, R. It., U na-at eat., 1 :i79;
Wynidiam, Perry, r,,. .lt N. J. e-v.,
  3: 149, 153.
Wytheville, Vn., 4: 1.-, 479; ac1-tion
  (Mlay 11th, 180;4), 4: 42:3.

Yanmey, Wol. L., 1: 109-10; or't, 1
Yanceyville, V;,., 3: 1W3.
Yates, A. I., U naval lieWt., 4: 407.
-,    Joseph A.,   lieot.Loi. lt S. C.
  art'y, 1: 66; at Charleston, 4: 7, 23.
     , Richard, gov. Ill., 1 : 6; 3:
  522; quoted, 1: 27,9.
Yazoo City, Niise., 3 : 5-,; navy yard,
  8: 561, 569.
Yazoo Pass, levee, cut, 3: 561.
Yazoo River, 2 : 731; 3 : 463, 47,6, 484,
  495, 502, 117, 52.3, 58, 174; expedi-
  l ions, 8: 564-6, SM8.
       Article, "Contederate Tore-
Ides in the Yazoo," 8 : 680.
-    Valley, 3: S 8; topog., 3: 661.
Yell, rebel, 1 : 561; 2: 118.
Yellow Bayou, La., action (May lath,
  1H641, 4: 360.
Yellow Tavern, Va., battle (May 11th,
  1864), 4: 117, note, 190, 194.
Yergr, -, C capt., 8:479.
York, Zebulon, C hrig.-gen., w, 4:123.
York, Pa., S : 268, 271.
York River, exped., 2 : 206, 221, uiote.
-, Map, 2:265.
York River R. R., 2 :361, 382, 4n6.
Yorktown, Va., 8: 266, note; scenes
  near, 2 : 169, 171-4, 191; siege, 2:
  169, 193-4,203, 437. Article, 2:159.
- MXop, 2: 188.
Yorktown, The, see "1 Patrick Henry."
Young, Francis J., U capt., 2 : 127.
-, John T., U capt., c, 4: 419.
     , P. M. B., C maj.-gen. cav., 3v,
  4: 237; col. comn. Hamnptnn's ena.,
  3: 422, 423, 425; Cold Harbor, 4:
  193; Trevilian, 4:237,239.
-    , W. H ., C brig.-gen., 4: 425; e,
  4 : 4:5.
Young Rover, The, U gun-b't, 1: 676.
Young's Point, Miss., S : 476.

Zagonyi, Chas., U maJ. eav., in Mo.,
  1 :314.
Zahm, Lewis, b'v't brig.-gen., col. 3d
  0. car., 4: 413.
Zeigler, M. G., C mns., 4: W4.
Ziegler's Grove [Leettysblrgj, 3: 391,
Zoliicoffer, Felix K., C brig.-gen., 1:
  141; por't, 1 :39; k, 1 :389; in Ky.,
  1 : 37Y, 382, 386
Zonk, San'l K1., U  b'v't maj.-gen.,
  3: 111; por't, 3: 3t09,337; k, 3: 309.
Zonave, The, U gun-boat, 1: 714-15;
  lss, 1: 661.
     , Article, 1: 714.

    NOTE.-The reader is referred to the Index as the authority on names and titles, the few known
errors of this sort that occur in the body of the work (some of them derived from errors in the Official
Records) having been here corrected.