to the physical education program, necessary to replace similar

facilities on the sites of academic buildings which are under construc-

tion or are planned f-or the immediate future, (f) surfacing of an access

roadway to provide ingress and egress for Lhe southern area of the

Hiin Campus, including the iledical Center and two of the new parking

buildings, hereinabove referred to, (g) surfacing of a parking area

to accommodate appro::imately 750 motor vehicles, necessary to serve

tihe physical education and recreation complex, (h) construction and

installation of a pedestrian mall and related lighting facilities

urgently needed for access and security purposes, and (i) surfacing

of such roadways in the area of the iiedical Center and Agricultural

Science Center as are urgently required by reason of the aforesaid

expansion of the Consolidated Educational Buildings Project, all of

which, when erected and completed, will become and constitute parts

of the Consolidated Educational Buildings Project of said University.

          Section 2.07.  The Series D Bonds shall be dated November 1,

1967, and bear interest payable semiannually on ilay 1 and N1ovember 1

of each year, commencing Hay 1, 1963, at a coupon rate or coupon rates

not exceeding the statutory manimum of six per cent (6%) per annum, the

exact rate or rates of interest for said Series D Bonds to be fixed as

a result of advertised sale and competitive bidding for said Series D

Bonds, as hereinafter provided. Said Series D Bonds shall be numbered

and scheduled to become due and payable in numerical order on aIay 1 of

the respective years, eS follows:

                                - 11 -      (UK Consol; Series C
                                                 xA.e Rari&D M