. {6-: 
DistiZlers’ Dried Grains in Swine Feeding Operations. 7 ·
lee Not all of the several nutrients of a feed stuff, however,   r
léd I are digested, a part passing off undigested in the feces. The ,  
hs` following table gives the digestible nutrients of distillers’  
VBS dried grains and corn:  
1 to Table II. ‘  
ffs. _    
ild Crude pro- Crude fat Crude carbohy-   ~,=1
’ tein fi $6 drates %  
r]`O- i._ :1
our ?i  ’_;`  _  `F ,    
hy_ gistihersf dried grains* I 22.8 l 11.6 I _ 39.7 i  
orn _........._...__.. 7.8 4.3 66.8 1 A
the . ,_-gt;
ev . . . . . . . .  
be The nutritive ratio of d1st1llers’ dried grams is 1 : 2.88; and ,,_3¤q
md of corn, 1 :9.8. We speak of such ratio as represented by lfl
qs distillers’ dried grains as being "narrow" because it repre- T  
the sents a large amount of protein on the one hand to fat and QQ,
; in carbohydrates on the other hand; and we speak of the  
ms nutritive ratio of corn as "medium" because it is medium jg]
Fgy · between a feed having a narrow nutritive ratio, like distil-  
lers’ grains, and a wide one (1 :23.4) as represented by oat  
wsj straw. From the Wolff—Lehmann standard of feeding, the  
nutritive ratio for fattening swine should be 1:6 during the  
first period, and 1:7 during the finishing period.   _
V From the above data it is apparent, then, that distillers’  
T4 dried grains has too narrow a ratio in itself, and that some  
we feed rich in carbohydrates, such as corn, must be supple-  
,, mented to balance the ration. Some distillers claim, however,  
. that the grains fed alone to pigs on pasture makes a balanced  
20 ration. From our investigations, we have found that forage  
.§Q cropsi, such as rye, wheat, oats and bluegrass, analyzed `  
  When young, have quite a narrow nutritive ratio, and it is well ·  
.00 known that soybeans, cowpeas, clover and alfalfa pastures  ij
; are classihed as nitrogenous roughages, hence have anarrow  X .
mm] I nutritive ratio. This being the case, we would not suppose  
liitiiii}$¤ee¤is and Feeding," pp. ssz, 524.  
v~K0UtUCl{y Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 175, "Thc Growing and Futtcning  
of Hogs in the Dry Lot and on Forage Crups."    
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