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,   ·   1 8 Bulletin No. 190. .
Z  T 1   ·· _ that distillers’ dried grains and any one of these pastures _
; p     , would make a balanced ration, as the pigs would be getting J
1   A B l more protein in comparison with carbohydrates and fat than
, V ; ` needed to make the most economical gains. To secure def- ,
   , e T _ inite information on the subject, the following experiment
2   ’ was conducted. ·
l l   _Object of Experiment. Y
  .   · , i The object of the experiment was to determine the rapid-
  ··   l ity and cost of gains in the feeding of distillers’ dried grains  ‘
  U i _ 11, W alone to shotes (Lot 1, 15 in number) running on pasture, as -
· B E ~ · T compared with corn meal alone fed to a similar lot of shotes .
E A   _   - . (Lot 2, 14 in number) running on pasture, and as compared 1 ·
    j Q with corn meal five parts and distillers’ dried grains 1 part fed - ‘
  pl   ‘ 4_ to a lot of shotes (Lot 3, 15 in number) on pasture. In ad-   ·
  i·.’    · · _ dition to the above three lots, another lot (Lot 4, 10 in num- V ‘
  l _ ber) was fed corn meal five parts and distillers’ dried grains , j
  L l · l one part in a dry lot (a lot devoid of pasture), for the pur- :
  E pose of determining the value of ‘distillers’ dried grains as a .. Z
    ·‘_».     ‘ j supplement to corn when no pasture is available, which test i
  ~ { would also give a comparison of the efliciency and the econ- 1
  _ l omy of this method, with that of providing the pigs with l 1
ljfgigjili   pasture. Altogether there were four lots of pigs used in
    this test. <
[1Z€‘%l1   Plan of Experiment. — ;
    The fifty-four shotes used in this experiment were of the 1 Q 1
  l Berkshire, Duroc Jersey and Hampshire breeds. The Berk- »
  1 E shires and Durocs were bred on the Experiment Station farm, ‘ (
  —   and the Hampshires were purchased through a commission 1
    firm in Lexington. All of the shotes were thrifty and p 1
  i healthy, and were sorted into lots so as to eliminate influence w
  l of breed and individuality as much as possible. The Duroc » T
  ~ l and Berkshire shotes had had the run of a sweet clover field 1
  l 1 and had been given two pounds per day of amixture of corn
Qfftil  · § ten parts and digester tankage one part. The Hampshires . l
tiieil  T · · - _
  — i were fed similarly for two weeks before going on the exper- (
 ll 1