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  4 H Twentyéeighth Annual Report of the  
  The results of these analyses l1ave been published ie the Journal   _
  of Biological Chemistry, Vol. XXI., No. 3, July, 1915.   . ·
  STAFF. The present staff of the Experiment Station, includ— `Z 1
  ing the Board of Control, is given on page VII. of this report.
  1 Below are given the appointments and resignations for the past V · 4
  -, year. _ » '
    Appoiuriunms ; 1
  L. R. Himmelberger, of the Michigan Agricultural Experi-
  ment Station, appointed March 1, 1915, to succeed Dr. E. W. 1
  Mumma, deceased. 1 . _ ]
  · H. K. Wright, of the Michigan Agricultural College, ap- _ 1
  pointed extension agent in hog cholera serum work, April 17,
  1915. 1
  Otis Kercher, in charge of boyslpig club work in Kentucky, 1
  March 1, 1915, successor to T. E. Stokes.
 5 Philip Lee Blumenthal, of Iowa Experiment Station, ap- 1
  pointed chemist, department of chemistry, July, 1915.
  Messrs. O. S. Lee and R. B. Taylor, appointed assistant r
 g chemists in the department of commercial fertilizers in September ‘
  and October, 1915, respectively. · 1
  z  N. R. Elliott, of Ohio State University, appointed assistant ‘
  horticulturist, September, 1915. 1
  R. H. Wilkins, of Cornell University, appointed research as- ·
  sistant poultry husbandry, September 1, 1915. 9
    Rnsicmrions ; _
  H. B. Hendrick, extension specialist in agronomy, resigned Z
  January 1, 1915. · · ‘ _
  E. F. Worthington, inspector, food and drug department, ‘
  ‘,r. i ·   resigned January 1, 1915.
    T. E. Stokes, in charge of boys’ pig club work in Kentucky, _
    resigned March 1, 1915. ‘
  F. W. Hofmann, assistant horticulturist, resigned July,
  all 1915.
    E. H. Nollau, assistant, department of research, resigned
    1 December, 1915, _