ill »
Zi;  . 6 Twenty-eighth Annual Report of the 6 .
  193. The Soils of Kentucky. S. D. Averitt. July, 1915.
  194. Soils of Graves County. S. C. Jones. July, 1915. .
  195. Soils of Franklin County. S. C. Jones. July, 1915.
  196. Commercial Fertilizers. H. E. Curtis and 'Wm. Rodes.
  December, 1915. I
    Circulars. .
  * N0. · ·
  4. Malnutrition in Hogs. D. J. Healy and E. J. Gott. July,
  _ 1915. A ·
  5. A‘Remedy for Clover Bloat. D. J. Healy and J. W. Nut-
  ter. August, 1915. _ _
  6. Inexpensive Appliances and Utensils for the Dairy. W.
  D. Nicholls. August, 1915. l
Q  .7. Blaekhead in Turkeys. Robt. Graham andL. R. Himmel-
  berger. September, 1915. 1 I
  8. Stem Rot of Clovers and Alfalfa as a Cause of "Clover
  Siekness." A. H. Gilbert and D. S. Myer. September,
_;  1915. R
  9. County Agents’ Caleimeter. J. S. McHargue. October,
 j  1915. "
  10. Suggestions Relative to the Prevention of Hog Cholera.
 _  Joseph H. Kastle, Robert Graham and H. K. Wright. De-
  cember, 1915.
  ‘ Food Inspection Regulation 10. Immature Oranges. January
  1, 1915. R. M. Allen. .
  Food Inspection Regulation 11. Publication of Analyses and
  Examinations for Advertising Purposes. March, 1915. R.
  M. Aim.
  Circular to Millers of Kentucky; Bleacheol Flour to be so Label-
  ed. June, 1915. R. M. Allen.
  Circular to Lexington Wholesale and Retail Grocers: Notice of
  Conferenee on April 1, 1915. R. M. Allen.
  Drug Store Eiheiency. June, 1915. C. S. Porter.
  The San Jose Scale and Its Treatment. H. Garman.
 V} Twig Blight and Pear Blight. H. Garman. June, 1915.
  rj The Pickle Worm or Cucumber Worm. H. Garman July, 1915.