I Kentucky, Agricultural Experiment Station. 7
Press Bulletins,. (Discontinued as Experiment Station publi-
cations after July 1, 1915.) .
, 99. What Can Be Expected from a Flock of 15 Ewes on the ' V
‘ Average Kentucky Farm. M. J. Smith. January, 1915. i .
. 100. Why We Prune. J. H. Carmody. January, 1915. Y
101. Rye, Silage and Hay. J. J. Hooper. February, 1915. ,
102. Seed Corn Should be Tested. T. R. Bryant. February,  
1915. j
103. Seed Bed Preparation. D. S. Myer. March, 1915.  
104. Disease Among Sheep. Robt. Graham. March, 1915. 'V
105. Farm Sanitation. L. R. Himmelberger. April, 1915.
' 106. Care of the Foal. R. L. Pontius. April, 1915. , l
107. What to Spray For. J. H. Carmody. May, 1915. V;
108. Fowl Cholera in Kentucky. Robt. Graham. May, 1915.  
109. Fire Blight. J. H. Carmody. May, 1915. Q
110. Cottage Cheese. J. J. Hooper. June, 1915.  
. 111. Summer Care of the·Orchard. June, 1915.  
Scientific Papers. p Q
Notes on Attenuation of Virus in the Blood of Cholera Hogs .
to Prepare a Vaccine. Robt. Graham and A. L. Brueck-  
ner. The Journal Medical Research, Vol. XXXI., No. 3.  
(New Series, Vol. XXVI., No. 3.) January, 1915.  
The Locust Borer. H. Garman. Second Biennial Report, State I n
Forester of Kentucky, 1915. w
Forage Poisoning of Live Stock. Robert Graham. Breeders’  
Gazette, May 13, 1915.  
A Prompt and Efhcient Remedy for Clover Bloat. Daniel J. j
Healy and J. W. Nutter. Lexington Herald, May 25, 1915. zi
_ A Remedy for Clover Bloat. Daniel J. Healy and J. XV. Nuttcr. 1
The Breeders ’· Gazette, Vol. 67, No. 25, June 24, 1915. - 1
The Amino-Acid Content of Certain Commercial Feeding 5
` Stuffs and Other Sources of Protein. E. H. Nollau. Jour-  
nal Biological Chemistry, Vol. XXI., No. 3, July, 1915. i
Complement Fixation in Hog Cholera. Daniel J. Healy and  _
. A Wallace V. Smith. Journal Infectious Diseases, Vol. 17, ‘
' No. 1, July, 1915.  