}, ,· " I _ -· 36 Circular N0. 7. . I
A ,: : , most important factors in turkey production. - Kentucky is
S A · well adapted for turkey raising, but from the standpoint of .
· i  I the producer the`control of blackhead is one of the essen-
.   ` _ tial points in the successful raising of turkeys at the pres-
,   ent time. ·
`   , _ Blackhead need not be confused with any other aHection 4
; I I of turkeys, as the intestines (caeca) and liver are heavily
{ and characteristically involved, and on autopsy there is no "
I ‘ I ‘ other disease of turkeys which should be mistaken for this -
` » . affection. The name "infectious entero;hepatitis" is amore
Q . appropriate designation than blackhead_, as it implies an
_ , ` infiammation of the intestines and liver by aspecific micro-
 I organism. In some instances, however, only the caeca, a
· I ’ portion of the intestine, may be involved and the finding of
- g · the causative factor of the disease by microscopical exami- ~
1 1 , ' nation in such cases is necessary before a diagnosis can be
  t definitely established. In order to make an accurate diagno-
j , sis, a sick bird should be destroyed and an autopsy performed.
_ *   ` , In some outbreaks several autopsies must be performed to »
" _ definitely establish the disease. A Poultry raisers should feel
I ‘ ` I free to request assistance in establishing the identity of any
. I , `i disease of a contagious nature, inasmuch as it is difficult
  i many times for the owner to make a correct diagnosis. -
_, _ Cause.
j Blackhead or infectious entero-hepatitis is an infectious
‘° disease caused by a specific micro—organism. It is a small ·
  parasite belonging to the lowest form ofanimal life, known 1
  as protozoa. It does not belong to the same class of organ-
  isms commonly known as "germs", for example, such as
  I cause tuberculosis and fowl cholera, inasmuch as bacteria or
  "germs" are forms of plant life while the coccidium which
Z- causes blackhead is a form of animal life. Coccidia have a
‘ very interesting and complicated life history, The accom-
  panying diagram taken from bulletin 141 of the Rhode .
  Island Experiment Station illustrates the various stages
{  through which the coccidium passes. In the adult stage the