  42 Twenty-eighth Ammet Report of the
  ments he gets caught up with. The cotton seed people generally
  have expressed a desire to make proper rebates as soon   de- \
  ficiencies have been reported, and as this report 1S being written
  one firm has notified the department (enclosing copies of letters s
  · as evidence of its action) that it was making rebates to thirteen ‘ A
  ( consumers for deficiencies m a lot of goods we had inspected and N
  ? found below guaranty. ‘ _
  The Work.
  The work of the department has greatly increased along
 el every line. For the time covered by this report, over two thou-
  sand brands of feed have been registered, representing about five A
  ” g hundred firms. In order to make proper inspection, the in- ‘
  spectors must be in the field all the time, and with the increas-
  ing number of brands on the market the number of samples .
  1 taken for examination is correspondingly great. Aside from in- _
 i i 1 speetors’ samples, consumers are becoming more and more
 TE " .  familiar with the protection the law gives them and are con-
  stantly sending in samples and seeking information. The county
  agents are also sending in samples and directing the farmers to
  send them in to the department. In addition to these sources 4
  from which samples are received, manufacturers and dealers are t
  constantly calling on us for analyses for registration purposes,
  and for information for formulas and methods for compounding »
  mixtures, with the result that the work is overtaxing our labora- ·
  tory force and facilities.
  During the year, seven hundred and seventy-four (774)fin— E 
  spectors’ samples, one hundred and sixty-tW0 (162) IIIHHU HC- K
  turers’ and deal ers’, one hundred and thirty-five (1135) eonsum-  
 éil ers’ and fifty-four (51) miscellaneous samples were anal) ned, E
  making a total of eleven hundred and twenty-five (1125). From (  
  January 1st, 1915, to January 1st, 1916, the total receipts were  
    $24,041.75. For the calendar year of 1915, the sales fell oft in ,
    tonnage, amounting to about one hundred and twenty-five thou- _
  sand tons as against one hundred and tlnrty-four thousand tons  
  the year previous. if 
  The results of the work of the department for the year are ji 
    incorporated in detail in a bulletin now being prepared for the · 
  ._` pI'€SS. »
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