I ‘ U V 7  
The Prevention 0 Ho Cholera. 71 .
— tankage and_d_istillers’ dried grains and, whenever possible,   `
, they should be supplied with forage crops, such as green   __
»*  alfalfa or alfalfa hay. Excellent results have been ob- EQ V
tained at the‘Experiment Station by grazing hogs fed corn _ ;, · -_
meal as the chief ration, on young barley, rye, wheat and ,?  
oats, so that by the use of such crops during the winter and   g
spring months, foragefor hogs can be secured in this climate   ,
practically the year round.- By reason of its low protein f1§   .
      -               .  
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_ PLATE 1. Unsanitary hog lot. I  
content, a ration of corn or corn meal alone is not suitable  
for the growing pig. It should always be supplemented .  
with other feeds rich in protein, such as oil meal, tankage,    
distillers’ dried grains, etc. For further information on the   ,34;;, _
feeding of hogs, the reader is referred to Bulletin No. 175  
on the growing and fattening of hogs in the dry lot and on  
` forage crops, and to Bulletin N 0. 190 on the value of distil- =  
lers’ dried grains in swine feeding operations, and the value _ ;