I gi ` . The Preventzoh of Hog. Cholera. . 73 i l;¥.~  
x , » .   .~. . Y- ‘
  C lots, and the hog houses and feeding troughs thoroughly      
 , sprayed with -a 3 per cent. solution of cresol compound or  
any of the coal tar dips. If desired a little whitewash may  
  T be added to thedisinfectant to aid in determining the area  
  covered. g`    
  _ Disposition of Hog Cholera Carcasses. The disposition of .  
  the carcasses of hogs that have died of hog cholera, in out—  
  of-the-way places, on the surface of the ground where the   ‘
  infection may be carried for miles by running water, or  
  where it may be widely disseminated by dogs and birds, is  
in reality little short of criminal, and is in violation of the  
live stock sanitary laws of the State. It is required by law I  
to burn all such carcasses, and not to do so lays the offender ,  
” liable to arrest and prosecution.  
. The Sale and Transportation of Sick Hogs. Sick hogs, or  
I hogs from a herd in which hog cholera is known to exist,   l
or hogs suspected of incubating this disease, should not be  
. sold; neither should they be driven along public highways or  
_ transported in cars from place to place, or placed in public  
  stock yards or pens. In other words, the only way to prop-  
` erly control this disease is to isolate it and though it may  
i work a temporary hardship on the invidual owner to do  
  this, it is certainly, ultimately, to his interest and to the  
, interest of the great body of hog raisers within the bounds  
, of the State, to do all in his power to establish and maintain   ,
j a rigid and effective quarantine with respect to this disease.  
  Prevention of Hog Cholera by Means of Hog Cholera Serum. T 
  The only means of protecting the hog against hog cholera L? . 
; C is by inoculation with hog cholera serum, or with hog cholera  
{ serum and virus. Inoculation with serum alone confers an  Y
Q immunity lasting from six to eight weeks, during which  {Y i 
{ time the animal is not susceptible to the disease. Inocula- `  
_ tion with serum alone is' known as the serum-alone method. {  
The double treatment, or the serum-simultaizeous method A  
consists in the simultaneous inoculation of the animal on one  
it side of the body with serum and on the other side with virus. _  
Animals thus treated show a lasting or permanent immunity ·  
to hog cholera. While the serum-simultaneous method con-  
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