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  _ _ The Prevention of Hog Cholera. 77   ;  
  _ ‘ For afew days following treatment hogs should be fed   ° 
’ sparingly on a simple laxative diet. They should be turned ,j?j;;_';j.l.ij.·i_
f i out in a clean grass pasture, free from mud holes, or if the  
{ weather is severe. they can be placed in freshly bedded,  
  clean hog houses. " . . ‘    
  Failure to exercise the proper precautions of cleanliness in ‘  
  ` injecting the serum or turning the hogs in aiilthy place .  
  after treatment, may result in abscesses.   -
, Hog cholera serum should be regarded as an agent to be  
 L used only in emergency when hogs are infected or exposed  
  to the disease. In an outbreak of cholera, vaccination of the  
Q' surrounding herds, supplemented by quarantine and disin- ‘  
{ ffection, will prevent spread of the disease.  
Q - _ Hog cholera serum is manufactured by the Experiment  
I  Station at Lexington and by several commercial firms. In  
i  ordering serum the number and weights of the hogs to be  
  treated should be stated. Serum is distributed at one cent  
per cubic centimeter and is shipped by express C. 0. d. IH -  
I x order to avoid delay in shipment, serum depots are mainl  
° tained by the Experiment Station in a number of localities  
in the State.  
Q Serum Depots.  
  counry. in cnimcn or  
  Hardin, County Agent, E. E. Pittman, Elizabethtown. l '  
V Henderson, C. G. Baxter, Henderson.  ,  _
  Hopkins, County Agent, G. S. Hollingsworth, Madisonville.  
Q Jefferson, " " F. E. Merriman, Louisville.  
Q Knox, " " Wm. Tye, Barbourville. '  
  · Laurel, " " Sam Morgan, London.  
Logan, ' " " W. H. ROEGFS, Russellville-  
,. Madison, " " Robert Spence, Berea,  
Madison, " " »B. F. Boggs, Richmond. ‘ € 
Mercer, " " J. C. Gentry, Harrodsburg.  ii
Simpson, " " Farmer Kelly, Franklin.  
Trigg, " " K. L. Varney, Cadiz. {jg  
Todd, ·· ·· G. T. Wyatt, Elkton.  
{ Union, F. H. Beggs, Morganlield. U ~  
Whitley, County Agent, E. H. Faulkner, Williamsburg. ;  
Woodford, " " O. F. Floyd, Versailles. ·  
It should be borne in mind that even under the best possi-  
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