. . · il -  
` AThe,Prevention of Hog Cholera. 79   J ~
I ble conditions, certain losses of hogs, following the inocula- _ {QTY?  
TL tion, are unavoidable., The following report of the hogs gifs?  
  inoculated in Kentucky during the year July 1, 1914, to July   1;;
  1, 1915, will serve to give a correct idea of the saving accom-  ·Y;_ _‘,—,’ j al
-   plished through the careful and intelligent use of serum.     _‘,·  
  ' N0. Hogs treated __.._.......,_... 46,918 -  
,  N0. Herds treated ................. 1,278 aj; .;gct__; 
= No. Hogs reported ................ 40,998  ::3 .
; ‘ N0. Hogs lived ................_... 37,497 91.5%  :‘§"]`¤j
·‘ · N0. Hogs died ...... .. .............. 3,501 8.5%  
~ Construction of Hog Houses. Hog houses properly con-  
structed so that they may be frequently cleaned and disin- .  
fected are essential for successful hog raising. Unsanitary  
  l hog houses are often responsible for premises remaining  
  infected with cholera. A permanent hog house should be  
constructed with either a cement or solid wood floor. Small g  
l colony houses built on skids to facilitate moving from place 4  
to place are desirable. When built without a floor plenty of  
·   bedding should be used. Moving frequently insures clean,  
H i dry quarters. Following an outbreak of cholera such houses  
i are readily cleaned and disinfected and may be moved to  
  . uninfected premises. ·  
Internal Parasites. The hog is found to harbor a number _. 
of internal parasites which are detrimental to the health T 
and general well—being of the animal. The following prep-i ‘  `  
aration has been found to be of value in the correction of   -
conditions resulting from the presence of internal parasites ‘  
in hogs:  
· Santonin _..... .--.. ..................... 2§ grains  
Areca nut ............................. 1 drachm_ {  
Qalomel __ ______,__.___.,_.,,..,...,.... 2 grams  
bodium bicarbonate ................._. 2 drachms  
The above constitutes the dose for a 100 pound hog and ~   
should be given in slop. Starve.all hogs twenty-four hours  
. before giving the vermifuge. _° J ;
f Lice. Under certain conditions hogs are also frequently  
V infested with lice, the removal of which can be accomplished  
by the use of any of the coal tar dips, or the hogs may be  f  
sprayed with an emulsion of crude oil or kerosene. Frequent