4""1",}iil . A . I
S . iii l 1 t
.   80 Circular N0. 10. ` .
r l .. l
g   cleaning and disinfecting of hog houses will aid in sup- ‘
— ; pressing lice and internal parasites. J W; 1
i S . Patent Medicines. Patent medicines and all so-called hog S  
  ,` cholera cures, should be avoided. At best, these preparations
’ A are only conditioners and under no circumstances do any
of them possess any real curative properties for hog cholera. V
Many of them are also very expensive, considering the
actual value of their ingredients, and their continued use 0 ` I
'V . in the attempt to counteract hog cholera is often a source I
~ . _ of great expense to hog raisers and accomplishes nothing .
, S in the cure and prevention of this disease. 5
. It should be clearly understood that the following rem- .
' edies are in no way a cure for hog cholera or have any rela-
tion to hog cholera, except as they- may aid in keeping hogs ~
` in a healthier condition. »
` Sal soda 3 pounds l
` Epsom salts 3 . " l
~ Common salt 3 »"
` V Sulfur _ _1 " I
Charcoal 4 " ·
~ ` Copperas 3 "
These ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and the
1 mixture kept before hogs at all times. A self-feeder makes =
an excellent container. ` V}
Government Remedy. ` ,
Wood charcoal_ 1 pound  
Sulfur 1 "
Common salt 2 " V ‘
Sodium bicarbonate 2 " ·
Sodium hyposulphite 2 "
Sodium sulfate 1 "
Antimony sulfide 1 " r
The above ingredients should be pulverized and thoroughly
mixed. Mix with feed in proportion of one large tablespoon-
ful to each 200 pounds live weight of hogs to be treated, and
give once a day. V