. · .
  46 Twenty-eighth AwmmZ*Rep0rt of the
  _.£_  I persons wishing to know the baking qualities of their flour. Since
  _· _   _ · January 1, 1915, 457 baking tests have been made.
  Foon Iinnonmony. In addition to the analysis of the reg- ·
if    ular official samples, this laboratory also examines a large num-
  V ber and variety of samples for the. information of private per- i i
  I I sons, food products suspected of some form of adulteraticn or uu- __
  fitness for food. Human milk samples have been sent in by phy-
      sicians and others, to determine the nutritive value or ntness for
    nursing infants. City and State ’s attorneys throughout the State
  send in a good many samples of cider and suspected malt bever-
  ages in order to determine the alcoholic content for prosecution Q
  : under the State local option act. During the past year, 45 ·
  samples of this class were received, and 17 cases were brought to
  J trial, a conviction being obtained in each case. In the trial of
  cases under the local option act, the courts are often hampered  
 { j by the fact that a "near beer" has the appearance of a straight `
  beer, the distinction being in the presence or absence of alcohol,
  hence a chemical analysis is necessary.
  Summary of Samples Examined in the Food Laboratory,
  ‘ Oiicial ............................................................................ 1,333 l
  Unofficial .... Q ................................................................... 483
  ........................................................................ ,  
 l Tomi 1 sis »`
  The unofficial samples submitted to and examined by this {
  department consisted of milks, creams, ice creams, human milks, V
 l beer, malt extracts and non-alcoholic beverages, cider, fer- v_
  mented and unfermented, wine and grape juice, distilled bever-  
  ages, cheese, butter, suspected poison cases, honey, syrups, mo- z
  lasses, pops and soft drinks, table and industrial waters, tea,  
  coffee, dyes, edible oils, brans, oats, flour, vinegar, iiavoring ex- I
    ’DI`&CtS and Concentrates, and condiments, A
  Resume of samples, official and unofficial, analyzed by the .
  Food and Drug Department from January 1, 1915, to December  -_
  31, 1915:
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