*1Q $0
5;},..: `
  - ·
  ‘ »
  , 56 Ilepurtmenf of Cllzeimlwtruj _
:·Er>:¢‘ `1I ’ .
  Grams per Grams per ·
    AN.u xsis-— liter. gallon.
  b errous carbonate, 1 eCO,, .......».l......................,...A.. .0087 .51 ~ ·
  Calcium carbonate, CaCO, ........,................. - ........ .2545 14.84
  Magnesium carbonate, MgCO.. ........................... .0398 2.32
1* »·;$sL .i . . . "
  Magnesium sulfate, anhydrous, NgSO, ...... .2446 14.27
  l’otassium sulfate, KJSO4 .......................................... .0818 4.77  "
  Sodium sulfate, anhydrous, Na:SO4 ............ .1884 10.98  _
  J liithiuni sulfate, anhydrous, IAZSO4 ............... .0116 .68 Q. 
  Sodium ehlorid, NaCl ................................................... 4.0552 236.40 ;
—- ,_ Y Zinc manrvanese and strontium ........ - .............. traces traces e
;;'§£'  7 D
 ·i lodine and bromine _._..._....................................._......   traces traces ‘ 
5¤¥¤3€·> .
Esygifrv _
  Total ........_.................................................................. 4.8846 284.77  ,
  Total solids at 15()` (` ._.__.. . ...._.._.......__........,.................. 4.8060 280.18  t
  ignited solids ......__......_...................._.......................... - ......._ 4.7880 280,30 j
·T`1Y{Q, . , . . ' . .  
  The black sediment was found to be iron sulhd. The sedi- .» 
 1 inout from a gallon of water contained 1.2 grain of_ iron, equiva- f
vii . . A
 rt lent to 1.0 grain ferrous sulfid. or ,03730 gram to the liter.  ‘
  ]J.\lTUlil\’1`Ol`iY No. (t ?$605——Miueral water froin the Lakeview  `
  ; Sanitoriuni and Hotel (‘ompany’s well at Dry Ridge, sent by di- -  y
  reetion of J. B. Iloeing, State Geologist. Sample a case of bottled  
  water, received September 21, 1015. from the company. The  
  bottles contained a gray sediment which turned black on long  
;._._{,.·;_;‘k , K" · G y
  standing. but the water gave no test for sul6t2lSSlll111 sulfate. l{:SO_, ..........__...._.___.__. , ______,..__, ,0680 4,00  Q
  Sodium sulfate, anhydrous, Na2SO, ,.._____.,,,___ ,2591 15_11  
  Qodiuni <·hlori¤l. Na(”`l .....,... .. ....   .........,.......   $1.5580 207.43  
~ ~ ’   V
..· J   4
N. Y .
`·.l 1 '