· 1
. M·i7ze·ral Waters 65 1  
It is a weak chalybeate water containing very little solid .,
J_ matter for a well water.   A
En LABoRA·r0RY No. G 3683—Water labeled "No. 2, spring,  
iD_ sent by Dr. J. M. Waldeck, Ezel, Morgan County, Ky." Re-  
` ceivedfrom J. B. Hoeing, April 30, 1915. Sample contained a A  
hel. _ very slight black, flocculent precipitate.  
up ANALYSIS——AD&lySlS gave 0.185 gram mineral matter to the  
ith a liter (10.8 grains per gallon) consisting largely of calcium ear-  
bonate with small quantities of the sulfates and chlorids of _cal-  
u1_ cium, magnesium and sodium.  
ra] This is not properly a "mineral water."  
A Laizoayronr No. G 3684—Water labeled "No. 3, open well,"  
_ sent by Dr. J. M. W'aldecl<, Morgan County, Ky. Received from  
J. B. Hoeing, State Geologist, April 30, 1915. Sample contained tj
a slight brown, ferruginous sediment.  
ft` l · Grams per Grains per  
ug AN.x1.Ys1s-—- liter. gallon.  
ac` Ferrous carbonate .......................... - ................................ Marked trace.  
ie? Calcium carbonate, CaCO, ................................... -.. .3540 20.64  
db Magnesium sulfate, anhydrous, MgSO4 ...... 1.1730 68.39  
OH Potassium Suisse, KQSO4 ............................ - .......   .0187 1.09  
Sodium sulfate, anhydrous, Na2SO, ...... -... .0535 3.12  
ter A Sodium ehlorid, NaCl .......................... - ........... 1 .... 1 .... .0082 .48  
Hd . saica, sio, .............................................................. - ........... .0170 .00   ·
  Lithium and strontium ......................... 1 ..................... traces traces  
— Total ........,......,,,....,,,,,........,................. , .......................... 1.6244 94.71  
  lgnited solids ........................................................................ 1.6330 95.20 i f
A It is a magnesium sulfate water containing a little iron  
, and should have some medicinal value. ·  
ap, rr
Bd _ Laizouivroay No. 50709—Mincral water sent by Charles C.  
i Martin, Central City. Sample clear and colorless. Received   4
ber November 19, 1915.  
tes y ANix1.Ys1s—One gallon contains 303.0 grains of solid matter  
_ (5.194 grams per liter) composed mainly of magnesium sulfate,