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· i ii?
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l i
-— at
Aaron, Nat, analysis of well water from ..................___._____.___,,_______ 54  
A Adams Fund work .................................>.........,...........,......,,........l.........,_ 1-3 ¢€-{
Agricultural Economics, work of Department of ....._.......,,._,_,__,___ 10-17  
Agronomy, work of Department of .................___..,._,.__,_,__,____,____,_,___,___ 18-19 ·  
Allen, R. M., report by ........,..............l............,...................l.....,........... 44 *_;{_
Alley, B. \V., analysis of water from ..................................l......_._____ 67 jjj
Annnerman, Augustus, analysis of salt—sulphur water from ...... 57  
Anderson County, analysis of mineral water from ________.._.___,____ 49  
Animal Husbandry (Beef Cattle, Sheep and Swine) work of  
Department of ...........................,___.___...._..___,.___ 20-23 ,,l
(Dairy Cattle, Horses and Poultry), work  
of Department of .............,l..........,......,,_.._____._.. 24-25  
.-Xppointments to Station Staff ....................l........................,.............. 4 [2*
Averitt, S. D., A. M. Peter, and J. S. McHargue, analyses of  
mineral and potable waters by ............___...........,.__ 49  
Beef cattle feeding ............................,..................................................... 21  
Bell, A. G., analysis of spring water from ...................,.............,_... 55  
Bell, D. C., analysis of well water from ......................_...._._.._______.._ 50  
Berry, Ellen E., analysis of well water from .................................. 53  
Blaekleg control ..................................................................,....,.............. 30  
Board of Trustees ........................ . ..............................,...........,____._____._._._ vi  
Boliannan, C. D., report by .....................................................,,......._.ll.. 10-17 v _
Bradburn. Dr. B, \V., analysis of salt-sulfur water from _______,_._. 69  i `
_· Bulletins, list of ............................................................____......._.___........__._ 5  
Bullitt County, analysis of mineral water from .._.________.,..____._.____. 50  
· Butt, Charles F., analysis of well water from ...._....._......_.,.___.......... 67  ei
. (‘anty, P. J., analysis of salt-sulfur water from ................__....,,...... 70 it 
Carr. l·l. A., analysis of mineral water from .....................,.............. 49 "  
Chemistry, Department oi`, report of water analyses __.,..__....__.._.__ 49 [ _  _
Work of ...........,.................................... 32-34  
(`liristian (`ounty, analysis of well water l`ro1n ............................ 50 1 
Circulars, list of ..........,.................................................. , ........................ 6 I Z
Clark (`ounty, analysis of water from ............................,................. 50  
t`rittenrlen (‘ounty, analysis of water from ,...._................._._.,__....... . 51  
Curtis, l-l. li., report by .........................,....................__,...........,............_ 43  
\ Darnell, D. Cotton, analysis of water from ........__,_...._....._.._____,...__ 72  
Daviess (`ounty, analysis of water from ......_..._.....__............_........... 51  
Dawson Springs City \\'aterworkS Company, analysis of well _  
water from .....,..._...__._...____......______............ 5S  
` Direetor’s report .................................................................................... 1-9  
` Diseases of Live Sroek, work of Department of .......................... 20-31 lg?
Duty, W', S. & t‘o., analysis of mineral water from .................... 50  
Elmwood Sanitarium, analysis of well water from ........................ 52 tty`.
lintomology and Botany, work of Department of ,_..__.........._......... 35-38 tiff ·
_ Evelett, Cliarles, analysis of well water from ............,................. G2 yi 
Fayette County, analyses of waters from .........._...........,................. 52 ‘fi‘