as . t
· >c=;jr _
  Financial statement ...».....»...A... . ...»..`...........-......~...·....»»-------·--···-----·----- Viii·iX
  Fish, J. W., analyses of two well waters from ..........».......»...l......... 62·3
  Food and Drugs, work of Department of .......................................... 4447
i;,g31§€t Forage Poisoning, studies in .............................................................».. 31
  Foreman, Mrs. W. R., analysis of well water from ........................ 64
  Game Warden, Deputy State, analyses of three waters from .... 71
  Garman, H., report by ................................l........................................... 35-38 -
  Gary, R. H., analysis of sulfur water from .......................................... 68
  Glenn, M. R., analysis of mineral water from ....l......................... 59 .
  Good, E. S, report by ......l..................................................................... 20-23
  ’ Graham, Robert, report by .................................................................. 26-31-
  Grant County, analyses of waters from .......................................... 55
 gi Grayson County, analysis of spring water from ........ . .........,........... 57
  Harned, Eli. analysis of well water from ........................................ 58
  Harris, \Vm. Theo., analysis of salt-sulfur wate1· from .............l 72
  Harrison County, analysis of salt-sulfur water fl'Olll .................. 57
  Hoeing, J. B., State Geologist, analyses of mineral waters
  , from __...........,.........,,_......,............................. 49, 55, 56, 59, 63-65
  Hog cholera control .............................._ ; ........................................l....... 26-29
  Holeman, N. L., analyses of mineral waters from .................... 60 ‘
'    Hooper, J. J., report by .....................................................................,.... 2+25
fg;.  Hopkins County, analyses of waters from ..........l............................. 5S
  Horticulture, work of Department of ................................................ 39 .
  A  Howard, W'. T., analysis of salt-sulfur water from ........................ 68
  Hunt, ·\V. H., analysis of spring water front., ...........,....................... 51
 ·  Infectious Abortion, progress of investigation .........._................... 20-21
  Jackson, J. T., analysis of well water from ....__.....__...,..,......,,..,,,. 54
  Jefferson County, analysis of water from ....,,...__......_...._.......__._.,._ 61
  Johnson, Win. F. J., analysis of mineral·water from .................. 64
  Kenton County, analysis of water from ....._._..__................__........_... 62
  Kesheimer, VVm. P. A., analysis of spring water from .................. 67 _
;;gs_j2= 5 Lair, J. E., analysis of mineral water from .........,.....................___.. 55
  »1 Lakeview Sanitorium and Hotel Company, analysis of mineral
  , water from ..............................................,. 56
  Lancaster County. social and educational survey .._._..__...____..,.._ 10-12
  L Lee County, analysis of water from .......,........_______..______.____._____________ 62
  Letter of Transmittal .............................................,........................._._____ v
  Lincoln (`ounty, analyses of waters from ........ . .._........._.....___.__.____ 62
  Livingston County, analysis of water from ____,......._...........____.__,___. 63
a;._,.Y°·;—{ Logan County, analysis of water from ...........,......__....................._____ 63
  McCracken County, analysis of water from ........____......._......._..___. 64
 A, l\IcHargue, J. S., A. M. Peter and S. D. Averitt. analyses of ·
  ¤·_   mineral and potable waters by ._._.....______.___._.________ 49 _
  McKinney, R. H., analysis of spring water from __..__.__._____________.____ 68
  McLean (`ounty, analysis of water from ....___.__________________________________ 64
  Marketing. burley tobacco in Central Kentucky ___________,________________ 15-16
§fY`>*~  General conditions in Kentucky __________________________________ 14-15
  1 liiveqtigal ions .__........._.__...o._._______.._.________________________________ 13-16
  Milk in Lexington ......,..........._......_____._..__.______________________ _ 14
  i Martin, Charles C., analysis of mineral watey from __________________ 65
  il Mathews, (‘. \V., report by .............................,.._...__.____._____________ _ ________ 39
  Medal awards .............,.....................................____________________________ _ __________ S ,
   ng Meteorological summaries .............................,_.____..____.___..____________________ 73-75
  Mineral and potable waters, analyses of ____,_______,______________________ _ ____ 49
 {   Montgomery County, social and educational survey of ________________ 12
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