Simpson County Homemakers Lssociation (Continued) y
Or_ Normal Civic‘;ctivities: Sponsor social and recreational activities, rural
S_ school lunch, school citizenship contests. Purchased books for Public Lib-
rary, assist Red Cross , cooperates with Farm Bureau , C of C., P. T. A.,
and 4-N Clubs.
OS• . . . . I
Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross assistance, Preparation and Serving
·>•*’;—T·"""’*"*t    , . , A , , ,
of reed, Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking, Consumer Protection nctivities.
Training Per Preparation and Serving of Food, Interested in Collecting Books.
G Local Vublicwtions; Monthly News Letter (Members only).
SIMPEON CW"*TY NTDICAL ASSOCI;TION (Kentucky State Medical Society; A. M. A.), ‘
· o/o Wilson Clinic, Prank1in.`Founded 1910. President, Dr. N. C. Witt, Frank-
lin. felepkone 7e. Secretary, DR. L. R. Thlson, Franklin. Telephone 35. Terms
ect- expire December 39lZ. ‘
Membership, 8. Qvalifications, graduate of accredited medical school and holder
of ccyoificate issued by the State Board of Health.
Purpose; Community service and advancement of medical knowledge.
.,1 Normal Civic Activities: None reported.
Dcferse Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance. Interested
fOr ll'].  All JiLj.d•
Looe} Tublications: None.
I SIMP"ON COUNTY NUTRITION COMMITTEE (State Nutrition Committee; National Put-
‘ riticn Committee), P. O. Box 187. Franklin. Foundod l94l..Chairnan, Hrs. ·.·‘
I Pearl Snider, H. D. A., P. O. Sox 187, Franklin. Telephone 87. Secretary,
_ D_ Hrs Q;. Snith, bO9 Madison Street, Franklin. Telephone ?6i~J. Assistant
_ Chaizr n, Liss Loola Bagby, Farm Security Office, Franklin. Terms indefindte.
E Nem}ership; 25. Qualifications, must be ir sono way interested in food sources
3 and r;a1th of county. _ _ _
Comnittoes : Exhibit and Display, Mrs. J. P_ Arnold; Film Strips, Pascal
icos Har;·1, Publicity, Nrs. Th. Smith; Losters, Kiss Lcola Bagby; School Lulch.
‘ Mrs. es C. Starks; Community Nutrition School Talks, J. L. Carmen and G. R.
Payne, all of Franklin.
J _ Purpose: To educate the public of Simpson County on matters pertaining to
c proper nutrition.
Normal Civic Activities: Providing public nutritional information by means
hip, of posters, exhibits and displays, domenstrations,_ newspaper publicity and
nutrition classes. ·
Defensefnctivities:Engagod in Preparation and Serving of Food, Discussion
headers, Consumer Protection nctivities. Training for Preparation one Serv-
ing of Food.
Local Publications: None.