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BOY SCOUTS OF AFERICA, T200P;#25l (Eational Boy Scouts of America), q/o Ross
Nalonc, Franklin. FQunded 1956. Scout Master, Ross·Malone. Telephone 538.
Term indefinite.
·_ Lenbershipa 10. Qualifications, open to boys from 12 to 18 years of age able
to pass cenderfoot tests required by Boy Scout manual.
Troop Leaders; Duncan Smith, Joe Philips, both of Franklin.
» Purnoee: To orcmote better citizenshi ideals.
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Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with the Franklin Lions Club in their
Lational Defense Drives. 4 Q
Defense Activities: Engaged in Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals.
Interested in First Aid, Collecting Books. _ .
Local Publications: Node. __
FRANKLIN LIOVS-CLUB (Lions International), c/o WL P. Roark, Neely Building,
Franklin. Founded 1940. President, R. K. Short, Franklin. Telephone 128. ·
Secretary, CL P. Roark. Telephone 531-M. Terms expire July, 1943.
Membership; 26. Qualifications, business and professional mon of good reputc.
Conmittecs; Boys and Girls, Cordon Garrett; Citizenshipand Patriotism, A. D.
Ashby; Ciric.Improvement, Herbert Greasy; Community Bettcrment, R. G. Turner; —
Education,.H. T. Wright, all of Franklin. ` ' {
Purceso: Service to the Communitv State and Kation. ·
- ., 5 I .
l Vernal Civic Activities: Sieht conservation as a olied to needi children -
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furnishinr classes}. Prometine c cemmunitv srdmmin, ‘oo1. Coe eratinx with
em C . L· u . M)
‘ C of C,. Jwrm nureau and P. T. n. _ ‘ " ` T
Defense Activities; Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Child Care, Collection L
of Scrap Metals and Other Metals. Interested in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid
Harder srrvicc, Civilian Aircraft Ubrning Service, Auxiliary Fire Protect~
ion, lotcr Corps Service, gnbulencc Service, Family Social`Scrvieo in lnd- —
ustrial grvas, Recreation, Collecting Books, Public Speaking, lnterviewing.
Local Publications: None. _
FPQITLID`PAQEWT-TEgCh]H»A§L0CIjTTON (State and Hatienal Congresses P. T. A.), l
c/o Vrs. J; Lee Moore, fest Cedar Street, Franklin. Founded 1918. President, _
Mrs. J. Let Noero. Teltphone @41. Secretary, hrs. Leonard Chauvin, South" j
College Stgeet, Franklin. Executive Secretary, Hrs. Silas Massey, R.F.D., I
Franklin. Telcphor; 71. Terms expire 1942. ' ` · i
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