the feeling that it would be received with enthusiasm and was an area which had been
of concern to the faculty for some time.

     Dr. Angelucci said that he would like to raise a question relative to the cover-
age of students who might be injured on field trips or while carrying out a University
assignment. Tt was indicated that when in a University vehicle, they were covered
but not otherwise. Mr. Darsie, the University's legal counsel, pointed out that it
would require specific statutory authorization to provide this type of insurance for

     Mr. Ezelle said that he favored the adoption of the proposed disability insurance
plan but would like to raise a question as to how the growing insurance consciousness
on the part of employers might affect employment opportunities for physically handi-
capped persons, an area in which he was most interested.

     Dr. Oswald indicated he would ask that a study be made and a report prepared
for presentation to the Board of Trustees on both of these questions--liability for
students injured or disabled while on University assignments and the employment of
physically handicapped and whether employment of such persons might have any ef-
fect on insurance programs.

     There being no further discussion, the Governor called for a motion on the es-
tablishment of a Long Term Group Total Disability Income Protection Program. The
motion was made, seconded and carried that the University establish the program
outlined in PR 8. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes. )

     L. Organization for General Academic Leadership Approved and Dr. Lewis
Cochran Named Dean of the Graduate School and Vice President-Research (PR 9)

     Dr. Oswald called attention to a chart outlining a proposed Academic
Administrative Organization, pointing out that the organizational pattern was accord-
ing to the mandates contained in the Academic Plan endorsed by the Board of Trustees
in June 1964. He briefly reviewed the background statement and the recommendations
contained in PR 9, Proposed Academic Organization, and said that the administrative
appointment which was listed as the next item on the agenda was so closely tied into
the proposed academic organization that he would like to make it a part of this action.

     He said it gave him much pleasure to recommend to the Board of Trustees that
Dr. Lewis Cochran, Provost, be named Dean of the Graduate School and Vice
President-Research, effective immediately. He added that Dr. Cochran would con-
tinue to serve as Provost until such time as the Dean of Undergraduate Studies was
named, when the position of Provost would be discontinued.

     Members of the Board of Trustees expressed approval of the proposed organi-
zation and of the appointment of Dr. Cochran as Dean of the Graduate School and Vice
President-Research. On motion by Mr. Milner, seconded, and passed unanimously