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 : The Executive Committee of the ]0im Alumni Council of Kentucky, in session at A (
· <  Kcnlake Hotel in ]u11c, ummimously approved thc Novcmbcr rcfcrcmlum to cull ll
  limited Constitutional Convention for the purpose of up—¢lz1ting Kcnmcky’s antiquated
» governing document. ·*‘
 , The Committee l`€llfHl`lll€(l its faith in the people of thc (lonununwculth amd. in so NATIC
 · doing, its faith in the ability amd wisdom of the citizens of thc Stzntc tu revise thc Kvn- ATTR;
 1 tucky Constitution in accordance with dcsircs, needs, und demands uf today. Nl _
  The group, after careful consideration of runny problems facing {hc sunc, 2ISSl‘l'lC(l {hiring
 2 than it felt Il sense of civic responsibility amd opportunity to serve thc citizenry uml the uuum
 ` Commonwealth by working for an favorable vote on the question at thc November general Q)7_28·
E election. The committee proposes to spczwhcaul an infonuenimml and fucuml caurnpuign {hc nu
  on the Constitutional issue, believing that when our citizens have thc fuus rhcy will uu nation;
  in their best interest amd in the best interest of thc state. confer!
 Q "In this present scientific cm we are no longer satisfied with l890 l`;u·m cquipmcm. l960_f
 ?· . 1890 production machinery, 1890 medical and health practices. nor with 1890 sclmols- dom il
  [O Slly IlO[hil]g of HIC 1llllOlIl0bil€ Und. other IICCCSSTITCS OY (`()I]V€niCII(`CS (}[ only ll {_(‘\\` )'C1I]`$ :\Pl)
 ;g ago. Neither can we any longer bc satisfied with am l890 `horse zmd huggf clngmcr," said Wmim
L `>, Maurice D. Bement of Louisville, executive director of thc Council. mr Ol
¤  The join; Alumni Council of Kentucky is xx non-profit. mm·pu1·1iszm. public service head
  wrpormion of alumni associations of Kcmucky`s six public institutions of higher loam- [hor: _
  ing-Eastern, Kentucky Stull:. )[0\`Cl'\€il(l. N[lll`l'il}’. Uni\‘(‘l‘sit)‘ of Kvntucky, and \\'¢·su·rn. of Ugg
 E cxecui
-     commu
  Qi; ln up/Jrovmg the Xovenzhcr referendum tu cull u coustitutiumzl coizwuhv ?:§;U`j
 1 { ,   iu ll11d€Tl’(1l(l71g_____ professions, and to all of the geographical areas of the Commonwealth which mir Tcgn
    I4 -¤ G from careful, considered limited improvement in {he Constitution ure iiriiiicuw cal U
I   i     QL ln fact, the only true uncertainties about the referendum are whether the pwf Sisum
  E;   Q     Kentucky will cast their votes 011 the question preseuteil ur-ul, iu doing so, xv/rcllir have
1       8 will be governed by their fears or by their belief and faith 111 the future of stale.
— j k Q Tc >` Both of these unknowns can be rexolved through effective leadership 41u