xt7b2r3nx96s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7b2r3nx96s/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1926 journals kaes_circulars_001_4_198 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 198 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 198 1926 2014 true xt7b2r3nx96s section xt7b2r3nx96s      
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  ` · THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director. V       ·
. CIRCULAR NO. 198 ,  
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Sunlight Movable Hog Houses for Kentucky _   Y  
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ii   CIRCULAR NO. 198 [   I  
  - sl I Q i
; _ Sunlight Movable Hog Houses for Kentucky    i·_ `Q  
I A By E. J. WILFORD and J. B. KELLEY ·4  
* · 9 il{#e¥i-Ii.;
_ _ f_'i.T_L?.r·;
One of the most important requirements for profitable ,—   ‘V*_ .  
pork production is proper housing. Dry, sanitary, comfortable *  
, houses must be provided if one wishes to obtain the greatest c  
  returns in the pork producing business. The hog is not as well ` i  
I protected with an outer coat as most domestic animals, but de~ I    
~ y pends upon the layers of fat which provide considerable pro- I  
tection. Many pigs are lost during the farrowing season  
because of poor and inadequate housing. I  
- A. survey made in 1922 by the U. S. Department of Agri— ·  
culture in the states of Indiana, Iowa and Illinois, on 3,075 lit- i   »  
ters, shows that 35.8 per cent of the pigs farrowcd in the _  
spring, and 24.2 per cent of the pigs farrowed in the fall, were "  
lost before weaning. Of the pigs lost in the spring, 41.8 per _  
cent were crushed by the sows and 6.17 per cent were killed by j 
chilling. In the fall 46.6 per cent of the total pigs lost were .  
crushed and 9 per cent were killed by chilling. This shows that    
the loss of over one-half of the pigs lost before weaning is at-   ·.“_  
tributed to these two factors. A good house, properly COD- ,  
structed, aids materially in reducing the losses from these two ·  
causes. _ ·  
Since Kentucky raises approximately 900,000 hogs each ig 
year, but saves only 5.5 pigs per litter, proper housing is of  
economic importance, for it will aid the hog producers to save    
more pigs. ll  
I l   
we -- egglg J. J.   .. . . .. .....   . .. . ..,.  w i 

  4 Kentucky Extension Ctrcuter N0. 1.98
§ 1. Ample Space. The space required depends upon the l
size and number of animals to be housed. There should be ‘
, enough overhead space to provide comfort and ventilation Z
- and enough floor space to prevent crowding and give enough  
· room to permit the attendant to take the proper care of the sow ·
V and litter during the farrowing period. A house eight feet
  square has proved to be a very satisfactory size for one sow. A
  house 8x]2 feet, when partitioned off with a movable panel, will
i make two pens, 6 feet x 8 feet, thus providing quarters for more
’  animals at a slight additional cost as compared with the one-
3 pen house.
, 2. Dry Quarters. Health and thrift cannot he maintained
° . in damp quarters. A well drained site should be selected. The
gl  house should he provided with proper means of ventilation and
A I the roof should be made of such materials as to prevent condensa-
  tion of moisture on the inside. Metallic constructions not prop-
I l erly insulated are open to eritieism.in this respect. The floor
‘ é should be kept dry by regular cleaning and by keeping the walls
_,  · and roof water-tight.
.   3. S zmlight and lVarmtlt. Sunlight furnishes the warmth
    desirable for the comfort of the little pigs. In addition, it pro-
  motes dryness, furnishes light, encourages ventilation, and aids
{ in sanitation. Sunlight destroys many disease-producing or-
ganisms by drying and by the action of the ultra violet rays. It
j - also has a stimulating and invigorating effect upon the suckling
  pigs. All houses should be provided with windows so placed as
i to permit the entrance of a maximum amount of sunlight. The
  size and location of the windows vary with the latitude and with
  the farrowing season. The houses shown in this circular are de-
  signed especially for Kentucky conditions and will prove satis-
  factory for any part of the State.
  4. Shade. The hog must also be protected from the hot
  rays of the sun in. summer, as it suffers more from the heat than
T; from the cold. Many hogs die from exposure to the hot rays
  of the sun where inadequate shade and water are furnished.

   · A i? ?·?    
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    2 ~ . i
  Sunllght M ooable Hog Houses for Kentucky 5 l 5 V j
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  - l .
  5. Ventilation. A hog-house is not complete without a _`   -»·  
  properly constructed ventilating system which will provide the V ;   i  
  animals with plenty of fresh air without subjecting them to in- A T ;   . A _
All jurious drafts. Good ventilation aids in keeping the house dry .   g 'V *
  and in regulating the temperature. Foul air and dampness  21fiA,__
VA lower the vitality of the pigs.        
V, 6. Comfort and Protection. The floors should be substa.n— V   3  
= V tial and smooth but not slippery. The doorways should be large Q?   f 4’,,_ A
  l enough to permit easy entrance and so placed as to prevent   ep__  
A   drafts as much as possible. High door sills are objectionable as A A  
.   they are apt to cause injury. Guard rails should be provided VV  QV .A.·  
‘ , for the protection of the little pigs. , .  
  7. Convenience. All doors and other openings should be T ‘      
A   so placed and of sufficient size that the attendant will be able to    
  clean the house easily and to give proper and efficient care to the ‘    
é piss- . lil-¥7¢.A.E·J.iA£’i
_   8. Cheap and Durable. A movable hog house should be A l  
  constructed of durable material and designed so that any farmer  
Q can build one. It is, however, false economy to leave out some one .  
of the above essentials in order to keep down the cost. The sav- »  
A ing of a few pigs will pay the difference between a house prop-  el
erly constructed and one incorrectly built. A .  
9. Appearance. Neat, attractive and sensible hog houses ‘  
are an asset to any farm. They are not only pleasing to the eye ·  
but also help to attract attention to the herd and thereby aid in  
making sales. . ‘  
1.ocA·r|oN or= Hoo Houses V_  
In locating hog houses, one should take the following factors V  
into consideration:  
1. Economy of labor and time in caring for the hogs.  
2. Dra.inage of houses and yards. A-  
3. Sunny exposure. V ·  
4. Protection from bad storms. A  
5. Location relative to pasture, summer shade and water. lr 
6. Risk from disease infection from soils or germ-laden  
dust from public highways, or from polluted streams.  
7. Prevention of odors reaching the farm home.    

· 6 Kentucky Extension Circzztrw N0. 198
` sa
I This system of housing hogs in individual movable houses us
_ is proving to be a very satisfactory and popular system. Briefly tr
its advantages and disadvantages are as follows: al
I _ Aclvomtoges. 1. Pastures may be ehanged. providing more C1
· sanitary conditions and thus avoiding the use of diseased yards. Hi
2. Provides shelter for hogs when hogging down eorn.  
  3. Diseased animals may be isolated. A]
4. Affords renters and owners of small herds good shelter HI
  for a small outlay of money. I iu
  5. Renter may take houses when he moves.
I 6. Fire risk is lessened. fl
`   D1`sacZwatugcs. 1. Time and labor required for earing for at
; I hogs is greater than in a. centralized hog house. . 11
4  2. Feed storage and fresh water supply impraetieable. ll
  3. Less durable structures. lr
_   4. Advertising value less. if
3   Rzwznters. The runners should be made of material which  
  will not decay rapidly as they serve as a foundation for the
- house. In Kentucky el"x1" or at"x6" rough oak lumber is  
T probably the best material to use, for it is easily obtained, eheap. 5
resists decay, is strong, and wears well when the house is moved U
  over hard surfaees. The softer woods, sueh as yellow pine and 1)
; poplar, 1nay be used, but they should be thoroly treated with
i a ereosote to prevent deeay. lt also pays to ereosote oak runners. l
  The ends of eaeh runner should be beveled as shown in the S
  drawings, pages ll and 123, and a fl/16 ineh hole should be Q
  bored at eaeh end thru whieh a eleviee or wire may be passed f
  for moving the house with a team or a traetor. t
  Floors. Movable houses may be provided with wood OF 1.
  dirt floors. A floor made of 2 ineh ereosoted oak or yellow pine 1
  plank spiked to the runners will make a more durable and a X
  stronger house and will furnish a dryer, a warmer and a more

 i  ii. _`   _
  Sunlight Movable Hog Houses for Kentucky 7 _ i   »
  sanitary floor, if the farmer cleans and rebeds with straw as i` A   _
[ often as he should. One-inch boards may be used if joists are   ·   · ’
  used to stitfen the floor. The 2-inch planks are preferred. It is . `   if
  true, a dirt floor is cheaper as far as first cost goes, but it is not " ’ 2   .
  i always the more satisfactory. Dirt may harbor disease. Dust ·   A,
encourages lung troubles which not only cause pneumonia, but .   ·o'p ’ g
also infect the lungs and alimentary tract of the hogs with ’   V
V worms. It is diiiieult to keep a dirt floor in a sanitary condi- .·  7  V
` t tion as it will become damp and foul from the excrement of the   gl T -
g animals. The dirt will freeze in winter, making a cold, damp __ D  
floor. In the summer the hogs will root up the dirt causing dust · i l   if
to form. 1 l ,   j. g
_ ~ Framing. The houses illustrated in this circular may be ~ T   ’j it
p framed of 2"x4" oak, No. 1 or No. 2 yellow pine material. The   ` ’_§i§   .
i corners should be well braced, using 1"x4·" boards. Frame the .    y
i 4 house according to the drawings, but before starting to build the p l   Y ._ fi
  house buy the windows so that, if the windows indicated cannot V- ,   ',.}1fllJ’_
be purchased, the necessary changes can be made in the framing i V ,   i.’.   _
to tit other windows of approximately the same size.  
Sicltug. The walls of the Kentucky gable roof house shown ‘   ’·-·   ‘·i’
on page 12 should be sided with S" or 10" No. 1 or No. 2 yellow ' _  
pine, dressed shiplap or drop siding and should be painted imme- . -· tl  1 ‘.;·
diately with a good paint to protect it from the weather. Verti- ` .  '_
cal boxing, shiplap or drop siding may be used for siding up the I _   i_·’   ‘
. shed roof houses shown on pages 14 and 15. If the boxing is it    
used the cracks should be stripped to keep out the wind and the A   il
rain. ·` i    
Roof. The rafters should be carefully framed according to      
the drawings, using 2"xl" oak or yellow pine lumber and they , ii_?i`i'gZi  
should be sheated solid with one inch boards and covered with a p  ; 
good grade of 3-ply prepared roofing smoothly laid and well  
fastened in place. Great care must be taken to insure a water- U it  
tight roof. i ·  
l‘V’l·1Z.dOl()$, In order that the maximum amount ·of sunlight  
may enter the houses at farrowing time, the windows must be  
placed as shown on the plans, for the angle of the rays of the sun  
varies with the distance north or south of the equator and with _   .r_’V  
. M '-fl V
· i

  8 Kentucky Ewterzsion C*ircuZ.a,r N0. 198
i the time of the year. All the houses shown in this circular are
· designed especially for Kentucky conditions and should be D
' placed to face the south. f(
ln the gable roof sunlight house shown on page 12 the N
windows slide in place over l"x2" supports fastened to the
‘ ra.l`ters and are held up by means of hooks and eyes at the at
_ n
e upper ends. The lower end of each sash extends over the plate
about 1% inches, forming eaves to -drain elf the water beyond the H
;. walls. Eaeh erossbar and the lower part of the sash are notched b
I at the center to permit the water to drain more readily. The roof f
sheathing; extends over the edge of the windows 1% inches at
T L the top and sides to prevent water from entering the house. If l
· the windows are constructed according to the pla.ns they will 1
. not leak. One of these houses has been in service for a year at 1
i A the lixperiment Station .l`arm and has never leaked. In the sum- j
 E mer time these windows may be whitewashed or covered with l
i’ burlap to keep out the sun when the house is being used for '
  summer shade. 1
l { The windows in the shed-roof houses are hinged at the top
 i so they may be opened and held up against the rafters with
Z  ` hooks.
I ¤ Doors. The entranee doors are made in two parts so that
j   the upper half may he opened for ventilation without permitting
" the hogs to come ont. All the doors are made of the same kind
ri ol' lumber as the side walls but they must be made carefully to »
tit. the openings. must be well braced and securely hung on hinges
_ of the sizes indicated on the plans. \Vhen open, the doors should
` be fastened to the side of the house to prevent the hogs from tear-
  ing them oll'.
I The sunlight. hog house_ page lll, is provided with shade
  doors hung on o" T-hinges. When closed they are fastened se-
  curely by means of hooks and eyes and when used as a summer
  shade are supported from the roof by means of No. 9 wires fas-
  tend to heavy ?}j" eyes. At the lower end of each wire is a
  strong harness snap which snaps into the eye on the door. The
  pieture on page 10 illustrates how the house is prepared for
  summer shade.

   T i 4 ‘‘ It
  c V Y T i
  Sunlight Movable Hog Hcuscs for Kentucky 9 A   V V ‘
  Guard Rails. Guard rails made of 2"x4" or 2"x6" lumber       4
  placed flatwise S" to lO" above the floor, should be erected on all ’ i   T g  
Z _ four sides of the house to provide protection for the pigs at far- _ I Q ‘ FI
· . . . . ‘ ’ l -.
z rowing time. Fasten all the guards securely in place by using Z   ,
.` angle irons or 2"x4" supports in order to prevent the sow from ij   ·
nosing them loose. The rails on the sides where the shade doors     ~_   V .·
are located should be so fastened to the framing that they may _    
be removed easily in the summer time when the doors are used  if
` for shade. V    
i VcntiZa2'0¢‘s. All the houses must be provided with venti- ·  
lators to furnish the hogs with a sufficient amount of fresh air ·   ‘l.. { _Vc.  
c and to carry olf the moisture and odors when the pigs a1·e shut up l ·       ~
T for the night during stormy weather. The sunlight house, page `T ` l     T 
12 has openings at each end of the roof at the peak and the upper   @{3  Q
half of the door may be left open when the weather will permit. l    
The shed roof houses are provided with openings under the roof ;  
at the front and rear.   I
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 ` 10 Kcmucky E.I[CV7lSlO·7Z Cwcular N0. 198
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_ ir Fig. 8. Shed Roof House C 6-394, und elevation.

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S/zmlight Movable Heg Houses f0r Kentucky 15 i  
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Fig. 9. TWO 1*::11 Hou House, plan C G~7-1-1, floor p1an_ I »  
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  10. 'Fwo Pen Hug House Pluu C {3-74-1, front elevation.  
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  Fig. 11. Two Pan Hog House, plan C 6-74-1, ond elevation.
2. Pre pared Roofing l
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_ Fig. 12. Two Pon Hog House, plan C 6-74-1, rear elevation.

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Fig. 13. Two Pen Hog House, plan C 6-74-1, cross-section of framing. .  
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Sunlight Movable Hog Houses for Kemiucky 19 ?  
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7 pcs. 2"x 4"x12’ No. 2 Y. P. or Oak.     Ii?