

Bardstown, August 18th, 1836. Rev. N. L. Rice,

Sir: In answer to your inquiries, we can state that we have, repeatedly heard-.Itfis. Minnis speak on the subject of James Noland being taken into the Catholic church at St. Mary's Seminary; and she always stated, it was done without her knowledge, and against her wish; and that it was the principal reason that she took him from that institution, although she had another objection, that of his personal comfort.


In addition to what the certificate contains, we arc authorized to say, that Mrs. Minnis, in conversation with Mr. Elder, did express great dissatisfaction at the reception of James into the church.   Could Mr. Elder have forgotten this?

The next certificate produced by Mr. Elder, is that of Mr. Maher for Mrs. Maher. It is as follows:   

'Having been called on to state what I know respecting James Noland, when placed at St. Mary's Seminar)   I am authorised to say that Mrs. Maher did instruct the Rev. Geo. A. M. Elder to have him brought up in the Catholic faith. PHILIP MAHER."

Does this certificate say, that Mrs. Minni9 either directed or wished James baptized? If Mrs. Maher had known that her mother wished it, doubtless she would have said so. But Mrs. Maher, her daughter, directed Mr. Elder.    Docs he mean to say, that James was under her