tism. Accordingly he attended the usual preparatory catechism, and was baptized in due time. It is now three years since his admission in this institution, and nearly two since hi   departure: and yet, during that time no reproach or observation has been addressed to us, by the persons who act as his guardians, as if their intention had been acted against or misunder-   tood.   I am, Rev. Sir, respectfully yours,

TH. E. LEGOUAIS. To the Rev. G. Elder.

There are a few things relating to this certificate, which are certainly remarkable.

1. It is given by a Jesuit professor of St. Mary's College   the very man who, more than any other, is implicated in this affair. The very man who stands charged with the crime, is brought in as a witness! Will Mr. Elder allow a similar proceeding in the famous suit he has brought? Is this man a disinterested witness? His own character, the credit of his institution, and the interests of his church, are concerned.

2. This certificate flatly contradicts the positive declaration of Mr. A. J. Lowry, who asserts that he never gave such directions concerning James. Mr. Lowry is a man whose character is known to be above reproach; he is not a member of any church, and has no possible interest in making the statement he has made, unless it be true. Whose testimony should we believe? In any court of justice that of Mr. Lowry would be taken, and the other rejected. The following is Mr. Lowry's certificate :