PR 15

Office of the President
June 24, 2003

Members, Board of Trustees:

                             OF DR. WENDY BALDWIN

Recommendation: that the Board of Trustee approve the creation of the position, executive vice
president for research and appoint Dr. Wendy Baldwin as Executive Vice President for Research
effective June 24, 2003.

Background: The research mission of the University of Kentucky is vitally important in the
achievement of national prominence. As federal funds shrink, it is essential that we develop
innovative strategies for securing alternative revenues to fund research. Additionally, research at
the University of Kentucky is centrally connected to the economic growth of the Commonwealth
of Kentucky. It is vital that we have a strong voice to articulate and advance the University's
research mission.

From the beginning of her appointment, Dr. Baldwin has been part of my senior leadership team.
In recognition of the importance of the research mission and of Dr. Baldwin's outstanding
leadership, it is appropriate that the title vice president for research be elevated to executive vice
president for research.

Action Taken:   El Approved

Li Disapproved     Li Other