KENTUCKY 1989-90
Q, Now that you have been In Lexlng- ton for a brief period of time, what are your Impressions of the Kentucky basketball program and where It needs to go?
A, The number one priority is that there  Is a void of size and talent. We're going to have to bring In young players who not only have the ability to play at this level right away, but have the potential in two or three years to go on to the NBA, That's our goal concerning athletes. Academically, we hope to make them overachieve in the classroom the same way they do on the basketball court so that If they don't make it in the NBA, they can leave their college life with the beginning of a great career.
Q. Why did you want to become the  basketball coach at Kentucky?
A, I felt that I had the desire to get back  into college basketball, and it's rare that the job at a program of the University of Kentucky's stature opens up. So when I looked at a program of this stature, and the opportunity to get Kentucky back to where it belongs, as one of the top 10 programs in America, It was obviously a great challenge, one that I was very excited about. I'm going to spend every waking moment to try and do that In the next few years,
Q, What Is the Rick Pitino brand of  basketball, and how are you going to bring that to Kentucky?
A, You're trying to score on the other  team's made basket before they turn around and match up defensively, and if you can't do that, to create enough movement that makes it difficult for the defense to help out. You utilize the three-point shot In the low post game, working inside to out. On defense, it's what we call the "Mother-In-Law" defense, total pressure and harassment, We are looking to defend people 94 feet from the moment we score until the final buzzer.
Q. You have a reputation of turning t programs around. How are you going to do that at Kentucky, and how long Is it going to take?
A, I think any time you take a program i of this stature, if you have outstanding facilities, both academically and basketball-wise, the easiest part of the job is luring athletes to come to your school. That's the name of the game right now, re-
Certainly Kentucky has the total package for a
student-athlete. We should be able to attract the greatest players from all 50 states to come to this great University.
cruiting. We're in a conference that's one of the premier conferences in all of college basketball, so you not only have to have good organizational skills in this league, you're going to have to recruit with the best of them, Certainly Kentucky has the total package for a student-athlete. We should be able to attract the greatest players from all 50 states to come to this great University.
Q, What do you say to recruits when  others are saying "Kentucky Is on probation and you should not go there"?
A, We tell them that it's a momentary t setback, that they are fleeting moments that won't be part of your future. We're not interested in the past, we're interested in the present and the future, and certainly, you're part of the future.
Q, What areas of the country will you  recruit?
A, First of all, we're going to start with  the state. But I have a little different philosophy. I don't believe In taking in-state players if they're going to round out your squad as the 10th, 11th or 12th man. I believe in taking an in-state player if he's going to compete on the basketball court and be a factor in whether you win or lose a contest. I think it's important that in-state