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Vol. 6, No. 1 ......................... VVinter 196() " ?
A report of progress published quarterly by the Kentucky Agricultural
. . . . . at
Exoernnent Station, Unwersztx 0 Kentucki, Lexmvton ° A
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j. ALLAAJ Sxrirn   Editor by the °“th°r· {AQ
Kentucky Farm arlcl Homg Scicncc Address correspondence about articles in this pub- ;,—»·
jmnpu C DU\K_A_I Editor lication to either the authors or the Department of I
Louise B(gS\VELL ...... I   .... l .· ...... Assist mt Editor Public Infonmltion md Educational Aid$= EXP€Yim€Ut e
lionnnrr C. NTAY ......................................r... Photographer Station Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington, ng,
I T h ° Is ue li
TALL FESCUE—A Fnociucss 1i1;1>on*r
By William A. Seay Page 3 K * _
Tun E1·‘1·`1;cTs or PAnAs1*r1sx1
By Stanley Leland, ]r. Page 5
\Vnmu; Dons rin; KEN*rUc1