Tal] F€Scu€;.A Progress Report fescue. Some cattle grazi11g Kentucky 31 fescue or ssp. _
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(Cmmmwd from Pageg) G1 el ed escue hay or silage maylbecome lame 1n ·r
G _ d Cr _ E _ the h111d feet, usually 1n fall or winter, and a dry up
r¤z1n an r in x ernments
g pp g P gangrene 1nay eventually develop there a11d at the r
MeuY experrmeurs eempermg Pure reseue zulu end of the tail. Tl1e best treatment seems to be 4 - _
fescue-l¤=g¤¤¤€1>¤St¤r€ murtures Wuu ether grasses and removing fescue hay, pasture or silage from the diet A {
t-Crrrssdegume muuures have ueeu eeuuuered by seVerel if lameness appears 2`|.I1(l before gangrene develops, in _
state experiment stations. Reported results have been which ease reoovery is aided_ Apparently only a sniall "“*;
contradictory and inconclusive. Some of tl1e factors peroentage of oattle develop laineness_ The “tesone M.,
which have made i11terpretation difficult are tl1e toot" seeins more likely to oeenr when no legumes
methods of calculating total (1lg€Sl[ll)l€ nutrients, the are in rhe tesene pasture or when pnre tesene hay or ~v
entrance of w.ld grasses 2`l.l](l weeds, parasite build- silage is the only feedr W ·
uP ul P*rsuu`es» Zulu lmsmiulrrgemeru of Pestures 8. Limited evidence indicates tl1at cattle are more ._
I11 general, experiments and obseivations here and adversely arieeted by parasitisin vvhen grazing tesene i
ur uruer Purees ulurerue rue reuewmg fer KeutuekYi pastures than when grazing other pastures. Tl1is 1nay ye
1- Keuulel(}’ 31 rescue alone er Wuu legumes rs be due to greater survival of i11fective larvae on
relatively easy to establish, compaied with otl1e1 resene pasture, as Well as greater development or V
l)CI`(¥llllllll grasses. It is harder to maintain legumes in parasites in animals grazing tesene { _,
fescue than in other grasses, but renovation of fescue _
sod to re-establish legumes can, under favorable condi- Breedin Better Fescues "’“
{mus, be S¤¤c<*SSt¤lly rreeumPllsueu· Altl1ough tall fescue is well adapted to K€11tllCl(}’  
2. Kentucky 31 fescue or fescue-legume mixtures and has niany good qualities as a pasture grass, its
wlll Curry tls much er mere llv<>St<>¢l< Per eere uuul lower palatability a11d nutritive qualities tl1an some *`·
other perennial cool season grasses or grass-legume other grasses have been reootrnized by the Kentnolty _
llllxullrs lants. *’
1 is F 1 t' ‘t t 1 ’ D “’
_ ‘ ss lmllus Km PU tus lull rm] ml m M sf Nurseries are repeatedly grazed during tl1e grazing _
{\t-ntnelty .31 lescuta Ol on (‘SCll¢&·f‘§lllll¢` P·1Sl¤Y€> ls g€aS()l]_ Cattle Consistently graze certain lines or
‘ll)l"(m'"‘lt°ly (sum to tut lm Ot lu reldesfe Ol hides $11211115 throughout the growing season more tllitll ·"
l°`l;""“` '"“lm°`*‘ _ IL I K k they graze Ke11tucky 31 fescue. After tl1ree genera- *
r' >,..·., ,, ·. . ,2 ’, ,.: __ _ _ _ _‘ ~
_ ‘)· lsl*'sl‘l‘°} ul uu 1T""‘°;*"" ml sums YIM tions of selection, the best grazed inbred lines have
lescne is significantly less t ian w 1en cows graze ot lei been Pprmrttcd to Cl_OSS_POrnmltC to rom] aSynthr_tiC,, to
grasses. ()n pure stands ol fescue. lactating dairy V,U,·r_tiCe These Wmhetic V,u,i€t;€S hive been rrmzes
"l"'u‘u* Ulu ll klml llmls ws l$llt‘ lS‘ltl;;‘l°t°li Ps] n sod plots Lllltl compared w1tl1 Kentucky 31 and other ·
slsliuli') el lllll lllrlrlllellslll ulul 10;*1 ull) ‘l)l()*uCtlml g()mmt—rgial fescue varieties f()1' l)t1lZ1t21l)lllt)/' US \V€ll Tv ·
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