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       On motion made by Dr. Meriwether, seconded by Mr. Grayson and carried, PR
6A was approved. (See PR 6A at the end of the Minutes.)

       J.    Bylaws of the Medical Staff University of Kentucky Chandler Medical
Center (PR 6B)

       President Wethington said PR 6B is a companion document. He recommended
that the Board adopt the Bylaws of the Medical Staff, University Hospital, Chandler
Medical Center attached to PR 6B. These Bylaws were approved by the Board first in
1978 and have been amended on four occasions since that time. They need to be updated
and brought into compliance with the rules and regulations that have changed since that
time. He said they also need to be updated for purposes of the Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Health Care Organizations. These Bylaws are being recommended to the
Board after having been approved by the Clinical Board of the University Hospital and
the Board of Directors of the University Hospital which is chaired by Dr. Meriwether
and comprised of five members of the Board of Trustees. Dr. Meriwether moved
approval. Mr. Shoop seconded the motion, and it passed. (See PR 6B at the end of the

       Dr. Plattner said that the Bylaws were collectively, generically, humanitarian in
their approach. She congratulated Chancellor Holsinger, Dr. Meriwether and others
involved in the composition of the Bylaws.

       President Wethington said that he appreciated Dr. Plattner's comments. He said
it always helps to put some humanitarian face on some of the actions that the Board takes
and certainly that is what these Bylaws and guidelines are designed to do. He thanked Dr.
Plattner for pointing that out to everyone.

       Governor Breathitt said that Dr. Meriwether, Chairman of the University
Hospital Board of Directors, reported in the Finance Committee that the Chandler
Medical Center is in excellent financial condition while a number of other medical centers
around the country arc facing financial problems. The University Hospital's financial
status is a great credit to Chancellor Holsinger as well as to President Wethington and the
overall administration of the University. He said that the citizens in the Commonwealth
love the facility, and they know it is there for them.

      K.    Acceptance of Audit Report for the University of Kentucky for 1996-97
(FCR 1)

      Mr. Hardymon, Chairperson of the Finance Committee, said that FCR I is the
acceptance of the audit report for 1996-97. He recommended that the Board accept the
University of Kentucky financial statements for the year ended June 30, 1997, consisting