College of Dentistry

     Lillich, Thomas T., from Associate Professor, (with
          tenure), Oral Biology, and Assistant Professor,
          Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology,
          College of Medicine, to Professor (with tenure),
          Oral Biology, and Assistant Professor, Medical
          Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine,
          effective 7/1/81.
     Matheny,  James  L.,  from  Associate   Professor  (with
          tenure), Oral Biology, to Professor (with tenure),
          Oral Biology, effective 7/1/81.
     Webster,   David  B.,  from  Assistant  Professor  (with
          tenure),  Community    Dentistry,   to    Associate
          Professor   (with   tenure), Community Dentistry,
          effective 7/1/81.

     College of Medicine

     Cottrill,   Carol,  from  Assistant  Professor  (without
          tenure), Pediatrics, to Associate Professor (with
          tenure), Pediatrics, effective 7/1/81.
     Dougherty, John A., from Assistant Professor (Adjunct
          Series), Psychiatry, joint with Pharmacology, to
          Associate Professor (Adjunct Series), Psychiatry,
          joint with Pharmacology, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
     Neill,   John  R.,  from  Assistant  Professor  (without
          tenure), Psychiatry    and   Assistant   Professor,
          Department of Allied Health Education and Research,
          College of Allied Health Professions, to Associate
          Professor (with tenure), Psychiatry and Assistant
          Professor, Department of Allied Health Education
          and Research, College of Allied Health Professions,
          effective 6/1/81.
     Overman, Timothy L., from Assistant Professor (Adjunct
          Series),  Pathology,  joint  with   Department   of
          Medical   Technology,   College  of Allied   Health
          Professions,  to Associate    Professor,   (Adjunct
          Series),   Pathology,   joint with Department    of
          Medical  Technology,  College  of   Allied   Health
          Professions, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.

*Special Title Series