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       Ms. Sims added that in committee groups with students they discuss advising and
what an important role that is to see that students feel like they are connecting to people,
not telephones and books.

       Dean Kraemer believes that is the heart of UK's intervention program, and the
University recognizes the role of that kind of contact. He added that with this
probationary plan, we would be contacting these students during the fall semester, not at
the end of that semester when it may be too late, but when there's some indication, some
sign that there is trouble. He explained that it may just be a phone call encouraging them
to come in and talk to an advisor; that is all that is required to really turn the students in
the right direction.

       Ms. Sims added that she knew of a faculty member who has hundreds of students
to advise and, in her opinion that is impossible. She would like for him to see twenty that
he could take and advise on a semester basis. She asked Dean Kraemer for clarification
on how the University determines how many students a singl professor advises.

       Dean Kraemer explained that it varies across departments depending on the
population of certain degree programs. For instance, there are some majors that are
immensely popular, such as psychology, and in that situation there are about 700 majors
with thirty faculty members, so the advising load is going to be high. He added that by
using professional advisors they could address that concern. He said he believes that
faculty are very prepared to provide certain kinds of advising, but that other kinds of
advising really need to be provided by professionals.

       Ms. Sims asked if UK's faculty, as well as professional advisors, feel an urgent
need to make sure a student stays at UK and finishes at UK.

       Dean Kraemer explained that certainly the faculty is very concerned about
students staying at UK and, in his opinion professional advisors bring with them an even
greater passion.

       F.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

       President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the appointments,
actions and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and that the report relative
to appointments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted. Mr.
Grayson moved approval. The motion, seconded by Ms. Wilson, carried. (See PR 2 at
the end of the Minutes.)

       G.    Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations (PR 3A!

       President Wethington noted that this is the first time for this amendment;
therefore, it will remain on the table for at least another month, assuming it is approved at
this meeting. The recommendation is that the proposed amendment to the Governing
Regulations be received at this time for preliminary consideration, and at the next regular