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meeting of the Board of Trustees, be included on the agenda for action. The Faculty
Senate, through its Rules Committee, has considered recommendations concerning the
voting status for all extension, clinical and research title series faculty and to full-time
instructors and lecturers. This amendment is about including those individuals, who in
the past have not been included, in the faculty member count in the various colleges and
units across the University for determining the representation in the University Senate.
He noted that the number of members of the University Senate does not change.

       President Wethington recommended that approval be given to PR 3A. Ms. Sims
moved approval. The motion, seconded by Mr. Guthrie, carried. (See PR 3A at the end
of the Minutes.)

      H.    Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations (PR 3W)

      President Wethington reminded the Board that this proposed amendment to the
Governing Regulations received preliminary approval at the January 25, 2000 Board of
Trustees Meeting. This recommendation determines the joint committee for the process
of selecting a new president for the University of Kentucky. The process will involve
this joint committee once the Governing Regulation is passed and once the Chair moves
ahead to appoint the committee. This recommendation does approve an alumni member
and a staff member, both represent groups which have not had representation in the past.
It also includes a graduate student on the committee, making a total of two student
representatives on the committee.

      President Wethington recommended that approval be given to PR 3B. Dr. Mather
moved approval. The motion, seconded by Mr. Glenn, carried. (See PR 3B at the end of
the Minutes.)

      President Wethington added that he would get a letter out to the Alumni
Association, the Student Government Association, and to Ben Carr. Dr. Carr will
determine with Russ Williams the process for selecting staff representation for this joint
committee. He will ask each group to bring names back to him consistent with the
regulation and he will transmit those names in a formal fashion to Mr. Miles by March

      Mr. Miles explained that the officers of the Board and any other Board members
that would like to be involved would interview the nominees and make a selection as a
group. After that process, the committee will be named. The committee will then go
through a long procedure of making sure everyone in the state or anyone involved is a
part of the selection.

      President Wethington added that there is a letter from Chancellor Holsinger
attached to PR 3B suggesting that there be Medical Center representation, or at least one
representative from each of the two sectors, for joint committees of the future. It was
noted that this is an issue and matter that has not been considered by the University
Senate. President Wethington recommended that Chancellor Holsinger's suggestion be