Best Copy Available

The Kentucky Kernel



OCTOBER 3, 1924

No. 2

First Game in New Stadium Tomorrow

Freshmen, this is the first time
you have been naked to turn out
Tonight there will be
en mnsse.
n pep meeting in the now gymnasium. You must attend. Get
your caps and be sure to wear
them to this meeting. You will be
taught some yells and songs to
use in cheering the team tomorrow
and will be inspired with the pep
so characteristic of U. K. students.
Be there with your caps at 7 p. m.

Dramatic Club of University Arranges
New Rules



Program Outlined for


The Strollers, the dramatic organization of the university, met Wednesday afternoon in the new Stroller rooms on the university campus,
and made plans for the beginning of
a promising season under the able
directorship of James Darnell, president, and Gardner Bayless, director.
The chief business of the day was
the discussion 6f plans and the appointment of committees in preparawhich
tion for the Stroller
are conducted each year for the beneThe
fit of new students.
consist of a series of plays selected
by a committee, which are submitted
to the students and which may be
produced by them in order to bring
to the attention of the Strollers new
dramatic material, and also to offer
opportunity to the students to bein the ancome eligible for
nual spring production.
According to the best information
obtainable, the Stroller dramatic club
was organized in 1908, and since that
time has produced each year plays
which can not be surpassed by professional companies.
; Every spring the Stroller cast and
witVi Miss Marerie McLaughlin
as official chaperone, making a trip
to eastern Kentucky, presenting the
annual play in several of the larger
eastern Kentucky towns, among mum
being Middlcsboro, Pineville and Harlan, where they are always assured
nt o rnnsf enthusiastic reception.
Each year the organization grows
in strength, promotion anu aumvy,
nrwi horaiiRfl of the increased number
f ..furinnfs .attendim? the university
this year, great things are expected
from the 1925 production.
It has been the custom for the
try-ou- ts

try-ou- ts

'".-a- ,,,




(Continued on Page Eight)

Director Enthusiastic in
Praise of its 60
This year's band will undoubtedly
'tie the best that has represented the
university for many yoars. Sixty
musicians under the direction ot I'roi.
Lamport and Sergeant Kennedy are
omiinuslv nrfinurinir to lend their aid
in making the 1924 football season
' a big success.
Their eifort is
results, for the director with
a broad smile asserts that prospects
were never better, anu treoiy predicts the most successful season in
the history of the university musical
? All who have heard the band
are impresed with tho spirit of
earnestness with
'J enthusiasm and
which each member tackles his work.
All told, there are sixty members at
work, or ten more than composeu
last years crack musical aggregation.
Thn director has used what ho calls
v... ....
li. ikmm man' us tlin minions around
iiib iiunwi ...
W 'which to build. These are upper
ni.iHsmon. who although no longer
required to take military science,
have resumeu tneir accustomeu piucu
in the band.
Although no definite arrangements
have been made to send tho band to
Vnnxvllle and Tuscaloosa, it is hoped
and oxnected that it will go. After
tho wonderful showinir it made at
Georgia Tech. last year, tho student
body will agree thut it is essential
that tho band accompany tho
on all of their trips to insure






Kirwan, 182
Van Meter, 200
Montgomery, 230


L. E.
L. T.
L. G.


Gregg, 132
Hughes, 150


150, Burrows
190, II. Daughtery
170, Caudill
180, Haws
180, Gentile
185, Baden
185, Osborne (C)
155, Kicnzle
170, Corso
145, Fischer
170, Weidncr



Bickcl, 182
Rice, 177
King, 175

175 (C)


R. G.
R. T.
R. E.
Q. B.
R. II.
L. H.
F. B.

All students will be seated for
tomorrow's game in the space between the middle section N and
the middle of section O, which
holds 1730 scats. This arrangement will be in effect until the
Centre game on November 1.
All people will enter the stadium from the big gate, near A.
O. Whipple's home at the corner
of Rose and Winslow streets.

Murphy's Men Engage
U. or .Louisville


IS Game Will be First in
New Kentucky
Societies of Moscow and Petrograd Send Best
Collection of Pictures Ever Seen Here
Dean Turck is New Minus the Wildcat whn
New Doctor Appointed
football team of the university to a


the Forthcoming

try-out- s,






To Assist Head of


The students of tho University of
Kentucky will notice quite a change
in what was last year called the dis
pensary, but what is now referred to
as the "University Health Service."
However, it is still the department
of Hygiene Public Health. Students
will nlso be pleased to know that Dr.
W. W. Zwick has been appointed Associate Resident Physician in aiding
Dr. Lipscomb to make this department a success both to the student
and to the university.
The private offices have been finished in white with increased facilities for handling cases, and the former large treatment room has been
made into two smaller private offices, thus making it much more convenient. Improvements for lighting
arrangements have been adopted. In
briofplh'e office conditions have been
remcdicdro meet the necessities of
the two resident physicians.
All are interested in getting physical defects corrected, and the two
physicians are glad and willing to
aid tljoso in need of medical attention
This department
at any time.
wishes to inform the students and
faculty of tho aims and purposes of
the" University Health Service.
perform the physical examinations of
first year students. They pay special
attention to those who take part in
athletics and examine those students
each year to prevent some one entering the various sports who might
in some way receive an increase of
a former disability. Attention to little things such as infections, colds
and bruises, must not be neglected
by tho student, for that is a part of
the obligations of tho two physicians,
and it is all free of charge to the
The office in the last two years has
had over 700 calls a month, exclusive of excuse calls, and for that
reason and others, no calls will be
made off the campus hereafter. The
University Health Service is limited
exclusively to tho campus.

Former Team Members Request
Senate to Reconsider

In an interview with President
Frank L. McVey, tho following reasons were set forth in explanation of
the action of the university senate
in voting to abolish girls' intcrcol-legiat- o
basketball for the coming
There is no agreement as to the
type of basketball to be played by
girls in intercollegiate games. Basketball has proved to bo a strenuous
sport for boys und is therefore too
strenuous for girls.
It is undesirablo to have girls in
tho university traveling over tho
state and throughout tho south in
order to tuke part in intercollegiute
sport. The trips are very expensive
because of the necessity of proper
chaperonago and provision.
Some very irritating consequences
have developed in the past as a result of intercollegiate games.
Inter-clas- s
games can bo played
between tho girls, which will afford
exercise, Bport and recreation.
Some degree of protest has arisen
among the girls on response to tho
(Continued on Pago Four)

One of the most artistic and by
which has
ever visited Lexington is the art exhibit of the Russian Art Society, of
Moscow and Petrograd, in White
Hall, on the university campus. This
exhibition will last, it was stated by
Prof. Carol M. Sax, head of the department of art at tho university, until October 9, in order that all who
wish to do so may haye an opportunity to see the pictures.
This exhibition was organized by
the Russian Art Society in Moscow
and Petrograd, with the intention to
acquaint the people of the United

far the greatest exhibition

States of America with contemporary
Russian art, and to help the Russian
artists who experience great hardships and difficulties in obtaining the
necessary supplies for their work.
All pictures are the private property
of the artists, all are for sale, and
all proceeds go direct to the artists
Its purpose is explained extensively in an introduction which follows,
by Igor Grabar, director of tho art
Mr. Grabar,
museum at Moscow.
who came over with the Russian exhibition at the Grand Central Palace in the spring, is not only a
painter and director of the National
Tretaikov Gallery, Moscow, but a
writer on art as well.
Following is his comment upon the
Even War Docs Not Retard Work
In the whole history of art, so unusual, so unique, so almost fantastic
an event has never before occurred.
The artists of a vast country, of a
great nation, which has given to
mankind many brilliant poets, writ
ers, musicians and actors, who have
spread abroad over the entire earth
the glory of Russian art, have de
cided to make known to the world,

hitherto unacquainted or hardly ac
der of cannon, during the dark days
of famine ,cold and every sort of
hardship connected with the mere
business of keeping alive, Russian
artists have not laid down their pro- sculpture, what those branches of
Russian art have produced.
In the
midst of great suffering, to the thun
quainted with Russian painting and

fessional weapons, have not aban

The enrollment in the universitv
has passed the 2000 mark and in a
year or two the 3000 mark should be
exceeded. In the collece of Arts and
Sciences alone, the enrollment is an
increase of 130 students over that of
the first semester of last year.
The college of Education, vet in
the larvae stage, is beginning to
best, the most spirited, the most creep out ot its shell and will soon be
gifted section of Russian art taken a
part of the instituas a whole, have sent abroad nearly tion.
one thousand pictures, pieces
The college of Engineering boasts
sculpture, drawings and etchings.
great increase in students, especialWhither have they dispatched them? a in the
freshman clasf
It also
To a distant land, situated in the
other hemisphere, because from that seems that more girls are pursuing
domestic careers than formerly, acland, from America, the hand of fracording to the reports
ternal aid was first stretched forth Economics department, of the Home
and the Ags
to Russian artists, and they justly
are still tilling the sou.
assumed that precisely that people
the Americans, and, first of all, the ly,The university is growing not slow
but with such swiftness that the
United States, ought to know what
contemporary pictoral art is like. people of Lexington and surrounding
country are having to "sit up and
Truth to tell, the history of art take notice" and
the number of blue
knows no such flights of artists of
caps on the campus is enough to
such rank from one land to another, prove
that "when it rains, it pours."
especially to so distant a shore.
There have been several exhibitions
1104 in Arts and Sciences
of art, both in western Europe and
The college of Arts and Sciences
in America, where it has been pos- has. an enrollment of 1104 students;
sible to make acquaintance with one this is over
of the total num-mor another Russian artist, as with an
of students registered in the uni
isolated phenomenon, and, also, with versity. The new basketball build
whole groups but never, hitherto, has ing has the pleasure of seating 457
such an event occurred as the pres Arts and Science freshmen every
entation of all branches of art, of Thursday for matriculation lectures.
everything which has ripened, achiev The freshmen antagonists, the soph- ed form, and attained to perfected oomres, are 247 in number, while
expression in contemporary Russian the freshmen protectors, the juniors
nrt. And, precisely for this reason, number 174. Next June, 170 Arts
has the present exhibition been col and Science seniors will pass across
lected; everything except the unmis the platform to receive their diplo
takably ephemerial has been included mas and go out, representing the uni
versity throughout tho country.
The college of Agriculture has a
With the object of enabling the
American friends of Russian art to total enrollment of 198, 82 of which
grasp the essential points of tho copi are registered in the Home Economics
ous material which is now presented department.
to their gaze in the Russian exhibiThe college of Engineering has an
tion, the author begs permission to enrollment of 4 17. This nugurs much
direct attention at least to the gen
eral features of the development of
(Continued on Pago Eight)
Russian art during the past quarter
one-ha- lf


on Pago Seven)


Freshmen Must Come; First Convocation Held
Activities Start
in New Gymat 7 P. M.
The University of Kentucky's pep
will be given a workout in the new

gymnasium building Friday night at
7 o'clock.
Tho workout will take tho
form of a pep meeting in preparation for tho strenuous duties the two
thousand student throats will be called upon to perform at the opening
gamo of the season Saturday on Stoll
Field. All freshmen must come and
nil others are expected to come.
Tho congregation will bo given lessons in voice culture, with tho Wildcat yells as the selections to be sung.
Anyone who thinks he can lend a
yell or might learn how to lead a yell
is invited to bo present and try out
for tho cheer leading squad. A committee will be named to select the
cheer leading squud.
Be there, unless you have bronchitis, adenoids, tonsilitis, pneumonia,
pleurisy or goitre.


doned their brushes and chisels, but
have continued to work unremittingly. And now, by a gigantic effort of
they have resolved to
make their labors known and to show
the results of their toil beyond the
bounds of their native land. With
that end in view, they have organized, at their own expense and risk,
an exposition of their work.
One hundred Russian artists, the


of Law

The freshman class of the university held its first convocation Tuesday, fifth hour, in the new basketball building. Tho program, which
was in charge of Dean Melcher,
opened with the singing of "Onward,
Christian Soldiers," led by Professor
Lnmpert. Following this, President
McVey read a portion of the Thirty-thir- d
Psalm, after which tho class
joined in repeating the Lord's Prayer.
The President then introduced to
the class the Rev, Dean R. K. Musts ie, rector of the Christ Church Cathedral, of Lexington. Dean Massie
made a pleasing and very forceful
uddress, taking as his theme tho four
elements: work, play, love and worship, with which the race of man
may grow and develop.



73 to 0 victory two seasons ago over
the University of Louisville, the 'cats
Will Oniraeo the C.'irdinnln
afternoon in a game which will usher
in me Kentucky collegiate football
campaign. Captain Curtis Sanders
will lead a team on tho field which
will rank with the best on Kentucky
gridirons this year and a victory by
at least three touchdowns is expected
by Kentucky adherents.
Durintr tho Inst
has been
coaching the forward wall and Murphy has been drilling into the
the secrets of now plays and
working toward their perfection in
yrucuce sessions. Scrimmage with
the freshmen has been tho program
uunoai every aitcrnoon and the frosh
have stood the brunt of the heavy
uiaigiiig oi uaptam Sanders and
company with caumrm
make Hercules turn over in his grave.

Not so Easy this Time
One thiner mav lm snW nnA
that tho Blue and Whitn
will not turn back the Cardinals as
easily as they did in 1922, when the
73 to 0 score was registered,
if reports from the Louisvillo wimn
correct. Coach Enke, of the Louis- vine team, is one of the shrewdest
coaches in this neck of the United
States and with the proper material
anu practice periods, he could turn
out a team that would do honor to
the Kentucky metropolis. As much
ns Enko desires to beat the Murphy
team, he will use nothing but orthodox football against tho Blue and
he says.
The Louisvillo



on Page Six)

Allow Four Applicants

For Rhoads Scholarships


application-blankmay now be obtained in PresMcVey's office. The candidates
fill out the Memorandum
return it to President McVey's office
by October 18. A Rhodes
Scholarship is tenable only at Oxford, Eng
it may bo held for three years subject to the continued approval of the
college at Oxford of which the scholar is a member.
Tho University of Kentucky is allowed to Hlihmif fn
is.i.i.. .
luuumuies to
the committee, as we havo 2000 stu- -'

Boys' Gym is Converted ident
During Summer

A much needed improvement was
made during the summer on the old
gymnasium and tho armory was con
verted into a gymnasium for the wo
men students of the university.
The gym was used last year en
tirely for instruction in physical edu
cation for men, but these classes will
be conducted in the new gymnasium

this year.

A wall has been erected midway in
the downstairs hall, entirely separating the gym floor and its entrance
ing the gym oor and its entrance
from tho remainder of the building.
The two front rooms have been arranged as oflices for Mrs. F. O. Stout,

head of the department, and her assistant. Tho gymnasium floor has not
been changed and all class work will
be conducted there. The loft door
to the building will be used as an
entrance to the gymnasium and an
exterior entrance has been made
through the bnsement.
The entire basement space under
the gym floor has been modeled into
a dressing room.
Wiro baskets are
being used instead of lockers and u

ou Pago Eight)


Other Kentucky institutions
havo fewer candidates, giving
this school n better chance in tho selection of the two Kentucky Rhodes
A candidate must be at least
years of age, not more than 25, 18
unmarried. He must have resided in
the United States nt least five years
and must have completed at least
his sophomore year at some recognized
university or
college of the United Stntes.
The basis of the qualities which
will bo considered by tho state committee in making its final selection
are: literary and scholastic ability
and attainments; qualities of manhood, forco of character and leadership and physical vigor, as shown
by interest in outdoor sports or in
other way's.


