MINUTE-S OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec.8,190 Page 28(cont'd)

is that he may still continue to honor the position of Presi-
dent of' this Board, to which he has brought dignity, business
capacity and an unswerving sense of duty.

     Thereupon, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
the Board adjourned sine die.
                                     D. 0. Frazee

                                                         Page 29
     Meeting of Board of Trustees held in the Phoenix Hotel,
Saturday February 20th 1909 at 11 A. M.

     The object of meeting was to pass suitable resolutions of
the death of 'Mr. D. F. Frazee, which occurred on Thursday February
lath 1909.

     Upon motion of President Patterson seconded an carried
Mr. Clay W was elected Chairmran.

     Mr. Nicholas offered the following resolution:

     Resolved: That the Board of Trustees of the State Univer-
sity, desire b place on record their estimate of the character
of the late David Francis Frazee and the services rendered by
him during his long period of his connection with the State
University of Kentucky. We cordially unite with his numerous
friends in expressing our hearty recognition of his fine busi-
ness capacity, his just discrimination. his integrity, and
manliness and the uniform courtesy that characterized his
association with his fellow men. We recognize the publia
spirit and civic pride with which he watched the development
and growth of all the material and moral interests of the
commonwealth in education, in agriculture and in manufacturing

     But our need of Draise is especially Issue to him because
of his manifest and continued interest in the University, with