The Kentucky Kernel









Faculty and Students Show
Sympathy in Many
Expressions of Respect
Memorial Service Held in
Chapel Tuesday

No. 26

Virginia Hamilton, Former
U. K. Student," is" Honored" LETTERS ABOUT
A new sorority has recently been
formed In the University and is now
existing ns a local under the name of
Lambda Phi. They are petitioning
Delta Delta Delta and hnpo to have
their petition granted sometime In the
next year.
The charter member of the sorority
are Mary Barnard, Corlnne Cowgell,
Gwendolyn Purdom, Sara Thome, An
nesteele Taylor, Gertrude Collins,
Virginia Duff, Lora Bantn, Lillian
Rasch, Mary Stallings, Annie Russell
Moore, Ann Mary Risen,-an- d

The death of Mrs. Frnnk LePand
which occured at the Good
Samaritan Hospital Wednesday evening came as a distinct shock to her
many friends on the campus. Although
hospital since
she has. been at the
March 16 and had undergone an opera- Possibility of
tion April 11, her condition was greatGreat in This State;
ly Improved until Wednesday when
she suffered a relapse and at 7:15
a Preventative
passed away.
Students are invited to visit the
Before her marriage Mrs. McVey was
Miss Mabel Moore Sawyer, a daughter Dispensary with reference to vaccinaof the late James Sawyer, for years tion against typhoid fever. This is
general traffic manager of the Soo important. There are quite a number
Lines Railway system. Mrs. McVey of typhoid cases occurring in Kentucky
was married to Doctor McVey Septem each year, especially in relation to
ber 21, 1898, while he was professor of other states, and this is notably true
economics at the University of Min- of the rural districts. Typhoid is an
nesota. While a student at this Uni expensive disease, averaging about
versity she became a member of Alpha one death to ten cases, and a high per
cent of permanent and partial disabil
Phi sorority.
ity. Typhoid fever ranks fourth in
Active in Kentucky Clubs
Mrs. McVey has long been active mortality diseases in the United States.
Rosenau, one of the greatest health
in club and educational circles, identi
fying herself readily with those orga- authorities in the country, states that
nizations at the various institutions an active immunity is produced by the
with which Doctor McVey has been vacination or inoculation. "The proconnected. In February she retired cedure," he says, "is harmless, rational
as president of the Fayette County and effective. The reactions are usualLeague of Women Voters, to which ly moderate and never serious." Many
position she had succeeded Mrs. Desha students are familiar with the remarkMrs. McVey was also able results from this work in the
a member of the Woman's Club of Cen- army. The typhoid fever records in
tral Kentucky, the Uuiverslty Woman's 1911 among maneuver troops at San
Club and in past years had served on Antonio are remarkable The division
the Political Science department of there had a strength of 12, 801 men.
the Kentucky Federation of Women's All were treated with typhoid vaccine,
the result was that in the next three
of the months of maneuver duty there, only
She was also
American Association of Collegiate two cases developed. One patient was
Alumnae, chairman of the program a private of the hospital corps who had
committee of the State League of not completed his immunization, havWomen Voters and of the department ing taken only two doses. His case
of applied education of the Kentucky was very mild and probably would
have been overlooked but for the rule
She is survived by her husband, Dr. that blood cultures were made of all
hours duraFrank L. McVey; three children, fevers over fourty-eigh- t
Frank, and Virginia, students at the tion. The other case was that of a
University of Michigan, and Janet, a teamster who had not been inoculated.
student at Model High School; her Typhoid fever prevailed at that time
mother, Mrs. J. M. Sawyer who has in the neighborhood ; there were forty-nincases with nineteen deaths in
made her home with the McVoy's for
several years; and a brother, M. G. the city of San Antonio. The Surgeon
Sawyer, who is now en route to the General's office is authority for this
United States from Africa.
is one of the great stops
Honor Guard Formed
The funeral was held from the resi- in preventive medicine. Of course the
Saturday army during the world War was prodence, "Maxwell Place,"
morning at 11 o'clock. Officers of the tected against this disease. If the
University R. O. T C. stood In open typhoid rate had been the same durrank in the pergola leading to the ing the World War as prevailed during
War every bed
home during the service, while the the
battalion and sponsors were on the In every hospital in France would
lawn. The battalion preceded the have been occupied by a typhoid fever
cortege across the campus and formed patient.
To summarize, the result of typhoid
an honor guard at the main gate as
inoculation cannot long be questioned.
the procession passed through.
A wealth of flowers testified the love It lowers morbidity and morality rates
and sympathy of the faculty of the and involves no risk. The opportunity
University of Kentucky, of the Uni- of receiving these inoculations should
versity of North Dakota, every frater- not be lightly passed by; neither
on the should a silly fear of a sore arm
nity and class organization
Bane judgment In a
campuB as well as that of her many counterbalance
friends both in and out of Kentucky. State where the possibility of infection



Anti-typhoi- d


(Continued on page 5)

APRIL 28 1922

Virginia Ilnmllton, a former student



at the University was recently elected

Strollers Give Brilliant Performances in Paris, Richmond, Georgetown and

Theatre Managers Compliment John Burks, Director
The Strollers gave the initial performance of the Bayard Veillers masterful mystery drama, "The Thirteenth
Chair" at the Paris Opera house Monday. This Is the most perfect produc
tion eved given by this splendid
play in its entirty
having been produced by the students
themselves. The scenery used in this
production was made In the woodshop
of the Engineering College and designed and richly painted by the students
of the Art Department. The draperies,.
tables, lamps,
in fact every, thing used in the elabor
ate drawing room of the wealthy Mrs.
Crosby is a reproduction of the talent
of students of the University, given in
the interest and appreciation of the
splendid efforts of the Strollers.
This play is perfect in every detail,
every actor so perfectly suited to his
part and so thouroughly sure of him
is given
self that the performance
behind the
without the manuscript
scenes, or without anyone to prompt.
Friends and patrons who witnessed
the performance in Paris expressed
themselves very favorably and went
so far as to say that this is the best
play, including professional
shows that has ever been given in that
A section of seats was reserved for
a theatre party from Mt. Sterling, including the Senior Classes of the City
and County High School and the cast
of this seasons theatrical production of
the Senior Class. There were about
forty-livin the party, chaperoned by
Mrs. Ben R. Turner, Mrs. Dan Prewitt,
Mrs. Oldham Greene and Mrs. Leo
The performance was repeated in
Georgetown Tuesday evening before
a small, but cultured and appreciative
Inclement weather is at
tributed to the small house before
whom the Strollers gave a brilliant per
The cast of "The Thirteenth Chair"
left Wednesday for Richmond where
they were met with a warm welcomo
by the citizens and club women of
that city. The seat sale was reported
to have been large Wednesday and
shortly before the performance nearly
every seat in the Opera House wan
sold. The hospitality and courtesy extended the Strollers in that city which
brlck-a-brac- k


(Continued on page 5)

There will be an Important meeting of the members of the Kernel
staff In the Kernel office Tuesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock.. The annual
election of the editor, managing
editor, assistants, business manager, advertising manager and staff
will be held. Every
for 1922-2member of the staff Is asked to be

of the "Twig", freshmen student
publication at Welleley College, which
she Is now attending.
Miss Hamilton was a member of
Beta Chi chapter of Kappa Kappa
Gamma and was prominent in n num
ber of student activities while here.
she is the daughter of Arch Hamilton,
one of Fayette County's representatives to the Kentucky Legislature.

TOWNS editor


(Continued on page 5)





and Wilson Urge
Kentuckians to Cooperate
in Raising Funds



All School Children to Take


Preparatory to the Kentucky Memorial Building drive two letters were
sent out over the State last week, one


ILLNESS from the State Superintendent Colvin

Resolutions Passed by Theta
Sigma Phi, Faculty and
Catholic Club
Miss Jesse Dodd, daughter of MagisDodd, of 614
High Street, enrolled in the College of
Arts and Sciences at the University,
died at her home early Monday morn
ing after a brief illness.
Miss Dodd, completed her work for
an A. B. degree in English at the end
of the first semester and since that
time has been pursuing the course leading to a Masters degree.
Funeral services were held at St.
Paul's Catholic Church, Wednesday
morning at 9 o'clock, the Rev. L. de
Waegnaere officiating.
The following resolutions of sympathy were passed by Theata Sigma Phi.
honorary fraternity in Journalism of
which she was a member, by the Catholic Club of the University and the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences.
"The University community is shocked to hear of the death this morning of
Miss Jessie Dodd, who is a graduate
student in the College of Arts and
Sciences. She completed the work for
the Bachelor degree in January and
was continuing as a graduate student
in the department of English. Altho ill
at the time, she was in the classroom
as late as Friday with her usual cheerfulness of spirit attending to her duties
without complaint. Miss Dodd was a
young woman who was graced with
personal charm and who had high
ideals. She went about her work conscientiously and with quiet dignity,
winning increased regard the more intimately one learned to know her.
"A delightful companion among
friends and a serious student, she had
not long been in the University before she enjoyed the friendship of all
who know her. Her ambition was to
be of service to others. In her last
Interview with her professors she
spoke with enthusiasm of the work she
wasaboutto ongage in after leaving the
University and wished, that she could
do good to others and reflect credit
upon the Institution.
"The University has sustained a loss
and we mourn her death. Therefore,
be it resolved: that the faculty of the
College of Arts and Sciences express
their Bonso of loss and offer their sympathy to the family and that a copy
of these resolutions be sent to the fam
ily and to the press.
"Committee for Collogo of Arts and

trate and Mrs. Charles


(Continued on page 5)

to his fellow workers and one from
James C. Wilson, chairman of the
general memorial committee, to representative men of the state. They are
reprinted here.
Mr. Wilson's Letter.
"A campaign to erect a memorial to
Kentucky's heroes of the World War,
a building that, will be used daily by
young people from every section of the
State, surely has your support.
"The school children of the State are
being called on to raise this $300,000
fund, but we are trusting that you and
a few others will start the campaign
off with a twenty-fivdollar subscription. Every boy and girl in Kentucky
will be interested in the erection of a
Memorial Hall on the Campus of the
State University where they all have
an opportunity to go and to get an
"Sixty thousand
men will
be glad thus to learn that a proud
State has not forgetton. Mothers will

(Continued on page 5)




Hays and Porter to Represent Kentucky on "Immigration Question"
Tonight at S:15 in the University
chapel the University of Kentucky
debating squad will meet the Vander-bll- t
team. The question under discussion is:
"Resolved: That the present Dillingham Immigration law be retained as a
permanent" measure: namely that threo
per cent of each nationality which
was resident in this country in 1910, be
the only annual quota allowed to enter
the United States."
The University of Kentucky will be
represented by J. L. Hays and C. M. C.
Porter, and Vanderbilt
by Morgan
Green and D. H. Rosier. The judges
will be H. V. Chlsney of Frankfort; Dr.
W. B. Jones, Georgetown; and Otto
Rothert of Louisville.
As this is the only intercollegiate
debate to be hold at the University
this year it is especially urged that
every University student be present.
The topic to bo discussed Is very
The Dillingham law was
by Congress as a
temporary measure, but It Is not yet
decided whether it will be retained as
a permanent measure.
The national
Board Is considering
whether it is a wise policy or not.
The University of Kentucky will debate the affirmative side and Vanderbilt the negative side of the question.
