Irving hour spent in the driving of tunnel and gangway,
to the long-
desired elevation to seniority.
When he has reached this enviable goal his mind is distracted from his otherwise noxious task of encroaching upon Pluto's domains, by an antidote consisting of a mixture of History and Political Economy, subjects to which he is required to give practically all of his attention, and that demand such mental concentration that he is actually obliged to spend five minutes a day on them, moments reluctantly snatched from the precious time devoted to his beloved vocation of pit-digging. Yet, despite the restraining check put upon him by these studies, he finds a little time, at least, to give to the consideration of the different ores, and by close application to his work is enabled in the course of two or three months to distinguish gold from silveran accomplishment which can be obtained, however, only by the most assiduous study, and then with the greatest difficulty.
As soon as he has perfected himself in this art he is deemed worthy of the degree of Bachelor of Mining Engineering, and after gracing the rostrum with his dignified appearance on Commencement day, goes forth to teach the mind how to enrich themselves by exploring the hidden regions of Mother Earth and extracting from them the wealth of countless ages.