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urine C I •  
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For  8 GUDIOFI BI'} O €|'€Cl  
it of ` ‘ *
the ‘ Y   , . . , ,,,, _____,_ . i
b of Ali the annual meeting of the  - , V.
Ed _ .. peytment of Education in promot- Alumni Association of the Univer- _
u .    the educational p1‘0g1‘ams for sity of Kentucky in June, 1940, it  FIVE YEAR Pl“AN "
rsity   9 €nS€· _ was made mandatory that the mem- 9 1Ve`year plan pr°V1d°S re'
_ A1_   Th€ 0mC*?1S of the Bu¥`€3l1 of b , f tn . . . unions for classes as of "0" and "5",
is   School Service have served in a GIS _° Q Alumm Asss¤1s¤s¤ bs ali, nd .,6., .,2,, d .l ,,
Tsna   consultant capacity to the program D€Tm1tt€d to vote on the two plans _a * an   i et c€t°m·
non?   of education and defense which is for class reunion, that is, the Dix It I? the System used m a number s
ue a gg-E being Sponsored by the school Sys- Plan and the FivE_Y€ar plan of institutions, some of which in
from V    tems of central Kentucky and ad- Over a Eriod Of e th ` h our correspondence with alumni of-
»1g_ on m1mSt€”€d as 8 part sf the L3faY‘ p _ , y ars We as fices have noted that the five-year ‘
th   ette High School of·Fayette.County. been a question in the minds of plan anows for organization of class I
Une   This D1‘0g1'a1n D1`0V1d€§ training i¤ some of the alumni as to whether cgmmjttegs which can Work as Z L
Me-   tr?'I,d§; egiigzlglnggtnzglogaimieftgzsf; OY ¤0i? the 1'ive-year plan, which unit. Many consider it an easier
rue   nonnos Ennonnon of tho Conogo of has been followed, is productive or plan to rsmcmbsjr and it is thought
Zeus-   Education is preparing mimeo- the desired results, The two plans HJ be less Expcnswa
3)*:53;   graphed materials to be used by are explained on this page, a blank I The tmgmon of ICMSS Y€um°nS `
_   teachers of home economics in the f . · - 1 d · , im, &CC01` me to al Opinions col-
This   Stnto in promoting one notional do_ Him 25   u edi H;] grder you tyou lected by the Alumni Office, greatly V -
B re"   tense program. It includes sugges- _ y sg y yom C Owe an mum mf1¤€¤€€d Each Y€9·1"S meeting and ‘
.c he   nons for nromoong o hotter -·nvo_ it to the office of the secretary of it seems that the happiest arrange-
I (mi   at-home" program, namely, produc- the Alumni Association. I`¤€¤€ W0l1ld be f01` 6aCh "fel1¤iI1g"
tate. ~I  non and nl.oSo,.Vonon of food in In order that the nmnev m_mng€_ class to influence other alumni to
uCkY·  i the home, good nutrition, health, I 1`€€¤Y¤ to the University in spite of ‘
zerest   and home care 0; the sick menls may bs msde for the Class the fact that‘it was not definitely
§Q_]`S‘”   _ or YW _,___ _ YEUUIOHS at the JUDE IH€€l.lI'1g COH1- thgjr ygunjon yearn
e has   THE DIX PLAN mencement week, it will be neces- The number ef alumni and how
{NWS   Th n d MD. P1 ,, f _ sary to return your selection to this widely the membership is scattered, ‘
EEZ? ?  uniois Siiathit ofllihe tile Edtis mics by M0¤d¤Y» Mami 3. why g¤s_1~>*s;sv sfnghs glsiviiusl *=¤ the ,
  Asa nix, an aiumnus or Princeton hot make our choice and sign our oflloigslggegns €rg,.o;?y °;n?1ui§3;l; l
?   University, and- 5.ecr€t21‘y of his name right now so there will be no the size of tho i·nomooom€rS~· ,.€gis_ i ,
€du_   class: His reflection was that where further delay? tration nstl { .
anon   reunions are held at five-year in- » V
Qs in   tervals, which is perhaps usual in
ffense   most colleges. the reunion classes
éacn_   never have the opportunity of meet-   L `
_€nn_   ing the men of other classes who 3
'   were in college at the same time,   3
1;%;   bn my nose who pnceded O,. ,O,_ BALLOT FOR REUNION PLAN {
nngs.   lcwed them. Essentially the Dix 5
lg oi   Plan involves the idea of a joint re- £ ,
Ed So_   union of four classes which were in ( ) ____________ _ _________ DIX PLAN A `
  college at the same time, at inter- V _
mmm   vals of five years. Each time a dif- . ,
, s>?.» ferent group of classes meets, so T ?
`SEE?   that during a cycle of four reunions ( ) ` `‘‘"`` `° FIVE YEAR PLAL { .
nnto",   any given class will have mst with Please indicate your choice by marking in the proper space. Return to  
tn;   four groups of classes which corres- Alumni Omen U_K_   ..
wine -i_i pond with the four college years. ` »
ls}? l’   Thus, the nrst group would be the ,
{ °“§,’   clsssss i¤ sslisec i¤ its f1‘sshms¤ Name .............................................. cass ........ ¤
ttlcgai   year, at the next interval those. in , '
_;§ch_   college in its sophomore year, and . 1
_ ,   so ()n_ ................................................... . ............... · .
lthnlis   ‘"I‘hg purpose Of the Dix Plan is elf married woman. give maiden namen .
    to   back to alumni 1`€1,ll'll()]]S V I
1 d€_   those classes which were in GQUBSE ( ) Residence Address ........................... . ............... {
; rode ji at the same time, and this w1ll be ;
gsucn ' accomplished in a cycle of four ie- i
have , {Y Unions. The plan is based upon the ............................................ . ...................... .
Vment   American traditional system of five- Z
' . i ,   Year reunions, but it takes varying . _ i
`tziitng-   number of years before each gmduj 1 ) Business Addiess ............................................. V 
'   sting class is ‘in step’ with the sys- n 
V to  Ei lem. and when a class is ‘in step` ,,............................. . ................................... i
Bn m   the CYClB of 1`€'l1I\iOI'iS will C0m€ 21S echeck address preferred for alumni mailingsr   s  
Ogm _   follows: 5 years, 5 years, 5 years, , `
assis   4 years, then repeat the same over
he De'   agalinrvy ;
 s—.   1 s
$5% l J