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I C°°°l;IRl°k Pl*l';I° I WTTTY " because in this system that takes
t ¤ re · • A A A
I RIS"; "°I:;r¤I TIp0"' experience which takes time   We
I me Jeiierson ’  it ‘‘I' '   have until March t0 bu1ld this team.
I C°I;’“*Y ’;'"';‘;;§l;g I “We’ll be a good team in December,” ’ We may not have as many wins as last
¤ 0 H e - A A A A ,
I w;;dmI team He I says coach R1ck P1t1no, "but by March I year, but we could be a better team.’
I w¤; qrrompqnied we w1ll be a great team.” Now how I Wrrnh " r W  vvmrh r ’
• · I _ I O
J b;_*j·= ‘”':°/ I many times do you hear a coach be I SMASHIIIQ FOI‘\N¢II‘d
ounne. t no ¤ so A A
spclkle CI me   so unequivocal in a pre-season evalu- I W r     W rrer We
Gramer Ashland I ation? With the number one recruit-   During the first Blue-White team
UK Al“'“"'€'°b I ing class in the nation and the pre-   scrimmage, Jamal Mashburn scored
I and the Duvness I A I A h h A 42 A d k d 1 5
I coumyclug   mier p ayer in t e country, t ere points an too own
¤ Phew by aren’t many weaknesses to target for rebounds, but he did it so quietly this
I L" H°‘”°"d· improvement. But, says Pitino, “IfI I reporter had to count the stats twice
I had to name one (weakness), it   to believe it. Mashburn, selected by I
I would be experience. Last year`s   Sporls Illustrated as the pre-season pick
I strength -—— experience — is this for Player of the Year, is playing hard-
I year’s Achilles’ heel. This team has er and more aggressively this year,
I the 111OSt talent of any team I have according to his coach. “He can no A
I ever had on a collegiate level. It has longer have his way in practice” with
  epth, quickness; the work ethic is the likes ofjuniors Rodney Dent and
I there, and from top to bottom eveiy Gimel Martinez, and freshman jared
I young man has gotten better over the   Prickett to challenge him. Mashburn
I summer. We are not so interested in   himself admits to being much more
I November and December, but the ~ focused this year. “I picked up my
I months after that. This team will not ame in the tournament and I want
I g
I execute as well early in the season to play that wayA”
I -1 lieutnirkv .‘\lllIIll1llS Wilqtey 1992