i hl
L iii
l ing any two of the following courses: Anatomy and Physiology  
2; Anthropology 1 or 2; Botany 25; Psychology 1; Zoology 25.  l l
4. The Physical Sciences. Students will be permitted to take  
work in either one or two departments in order to satisfy the ii
physical science group requirement. The student may choose  
l six or more credits from the following courses: Astronomy 51a,  
` b; Chemistry la, b, 4a, b; Geology 50a, b (50a is prerequiste  
, for 50b), 14a b (in connection with 50a, b), 3, 30a, b, ’2; Mathe-_  
{ matics 5a, b (only one counted on group), 17, 3, 19; Physics la, b, jx;
[ 3a, b, 51a, b (51a is prerequisite for 51b).  
  Freshman Core Curriculum Credits  
i Orientation .....................,.4..........,............................... 1 ti
  General Hygiene ,..............,........l...................... . ...... 1  
5 Military Science (men) .......................................... 4  
Physical Education* ........l......,..,............................. O "
English ....,...............................................,................... 6  i
Humanities, or Social Studies .............................. 6 Z
Physical or Biological Sciences ...,........................ 6  —
Foreign Languages or free electives .._...,...l......... 6 ‘ ' 
Total number of credits required in Lower Division, 64. T
The normal load per semester is 16 credits. i
Rules and Procedures  
1. Superior Students: Entering freshmen, in the upper twenty-  
live per cent of the classification scale, as determined by Uni-  
versity of Kentucky classification tests, may substitute other  
courses in the groups for those courses which are set up es- ta
pecially to satisfy group requirements. Other students, in the i
top twenty-five per cent of the classification scale of the Uni- ;
versity of Kentucky classification tests, with a standing of 2, · ¤
may be granted the same privilege. ,
2. The requirements in whole or in part for English, for Gen- i
_ eral Hygiene, and for any of the Groups under Section II, may I
;_ be satisfied without credit by passing a departmental profi-  
i ciency examination. ;
l 3. A student deficient in English, as indicated by the freshman X
" tests, will be required to pass English D (with no credit) in 4
  his first semester, and the regular freshman English course in Q
, his second and third semesters, or whenever he has satisfac- j
` torily removed the deficiency.  
4. A student deficient in mathematics, as indicated by the  
freshman tests, will be required to pass Mathematics D (with  
no credit). ~  
*Passlng the physical education achievement tests.  
Q 19  