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  General Requirements for Students in the Field of Secondary  
  I Education “ 
{ A student who majors in secondary education must complete  
yi 128 credits with a standing of 1.0 to be graduated. Majors in sec-  
Q ondary education have the following options in the choice of curric- .  
  ula leading to certificates: (1) an area of concentration, (2) two gi
, majors, (3) one major and two minors, or (4) one major and one  
Q minor when the credit in both is 48 credits, (54 credits when Eng- hg
  lish is included as a major).  
{¤ Teaching Majors, Minors, and Areas of Concentration  
A A major shall consist of 24 credits, except a major in English  
  which shall require 30 credits. f l
. A minor shall require 18 credits.  
An area of concentration varies with the subjects. Usually it li
? shall be 48 credits unless otherwise specified.  
I I. General Requirements Credits  
a. English, including composition, literature,  
and speech .................................................................................. 12  
b. Health, Physical Education, and Safety .............................. 6 ,
c. Phychology .................................................................................. 6  
d. Group requirements ................................................................ 27  
Each candidate must present not less than 27 credits dis- §*
tributed among three fields with not fewer than 6 credits in §$
any field. Two of these three groups must be in fields dif- Qj
_ ferent from the majors and minors or area of concentra-  
tion. One group may be in the same field but not in the si
same subject as the major or one minor. The fields from  
which the 27 credits may be selected are: jg
Fine Arts Science  
Foreign Language Social Science  
S Mathematics Vocational subjects I
I Philosophy and Psychology ’ 
  II. Professional Preparation Credits  {
{ a. Introduction to Education ...................................................... 2 F 
{ b. Educational Psychology .......................................................... 3 I
{ c. School Organization ................................................................ , 3  
¥ d. Fundamentals of Secondary Education .............................. 3 g 
  e. Student Teaching .................................................................... 9 {
  General Requirements for Students in the Field of Elementary  
I Education  
Q A student who majors in elementary education must complete ;
a total of 128 credits, with a standing of 1.0, to be graduated. 2
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