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May 9, 1941.
- To: All District Commanders
Subject: Annual District Conventions
' Attention is called to Article VII, Secton 9, of the Depart-
' ment Constitution which provision reads as follows:
”Each Legion District shall hold an annual convention not
less than thirty nor more than sixty days prior to the date of the State
Convention, at which time they shall elect the following officers and
committeemen; 19 District Commander. 2. Delegate and Alternate to
the National Convention. 3, A member to serve on each Department Con~
vention Committeea Said elections shall be reported bthhe District
Commander within fifteen (15) days thereafter to the Department Adjutant
who shall certify same to the Department Convention for'its approval,
and, said District Convention to be held at a time and place designated
‘ by the District Commander” Each Post in the District shall be entitled
to representation on the basis as allowed in thexDepartment Convention." ’
‘ In view of this law of the organization, each District Com~
p mander is asked to convene his Annual District Convention on some date ~
_ 'between June 1 and June 22, inclusive, notifying Department Headquarters A ,
. as to the actual date selected and the place where said convention will
be held.
As will be observed, Article VII, Section 9, of the Department
Constitution limits a District Convention to the transaction of the follow—
ing business: The selection of a District Commander for the ensuing Legion
year; the selection Of a Delegate and an Alternate to the National Con—
vention, and the selection of a member to serve on each Department Conventw
ion Committee.
Since the provision also requires a District Commander to report >
the results of his District Convention to Department Headquarters within
, fifteen (15) days following the convening of the District Convention, a form
is enclosed for this purpose, In completing this form, may not we ask that
care be exercised in listing the correct names and addresses of all individv
' uals entered thereon.
, With kind regards and best wishes, I remain
V Since'o /yours 1% I
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Department Adjutant '
THH/r ,
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