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    A   From .l0HN D. FREMD, of
E   *` LEXINGTON, KY., representing
{  The Mutual Life Insurance C0. of N. Y.
._    __102 1.l·ZXlN13'l`()N (?1’1`Y l)ll{l·]LY'l`()R\',
L   L > me ——————·-——-—~——————·   ··4-· V----····—-·—
    g 4   l)lN1£ —— COll[`(l 1)()l'l..\l{ — Cont`d
  {iQ I (Z ? 820(22()) julia Edison 411 (10) *.·‘\ Wilson
    ~   Q E 822(.230) C l‘ \\'illiams 413 (12) Vaeaiit
  Ee fl '• E 823(221)) Martha Harper 414 (13) ’*‘l·`rank`(iant
 gl; ei   C 82.|.(23.2)_jI1O Darnell 416 (14) "‘\V111 l·reneh
   `r' 1 ` ` ui 825(231) M .·\ MeMeekin 418 (16) Sallie llouher
    ]{. • rl: 828(234) F \\'orsham 420 (21) "‘llenrie1ta Me-
 ii _¤=. Y" I1 (250) \\vIIl Norton Clere
  fil   _ (254) Patrick Ryan 423 (24) *.-\manda Scott
    if PLE.-\S.—\NT S T 0   E- 424 (20) *R<>l>t '1`i¤¤l><·r-
    Q from 208 N Limestone, ( ) H\}2l<€R I
if.     rt 425 23   HY MW `
      Z Ugh (5) *Simon Graves 427 (25) *M¥*{lll§ Dil)
    1 118 (6) *.»\liee vinegar 422) (26) *B2¤1 Buuth
»¤;  _} In-_ 122 (11 *Lee xxmaeiri 43l (29) *L¤¤r¤ Mesby
    QE m 1251     §lZl¥IlllU)ll 433 (32) *W¤1 M8fSlF~llC
 T §lj~ I2 f ‘ ;111iy {eene I {ll
tg? $3; ies (4)*\\`n1 sueimey so (rs) *$2r¤_h N¤~vk;¤S
 Qifjghf l‘I.UNKETT———from 312 \V 513 (14) *YL1zz1e Hawkins
  ·" i ·* Maxwell, south to Boli- SI5 {’;€l€€1¤l
  yay 523 VIICHIII
E Y D 405 (15) *Ellen Chinn PRALL———From Limestone
(   *R C3.S[OI'l:1€l(l west to Sellers fifth
  _ I 405 (5) Albert Huffman south of Maxwell
i 407 (16) Mabel Hawkins IOQ (93) Nathaniel Self
( i 407 (7) *Thos Calamese 111 (05) \i`aeaut
ji 411 (12) j B Bradshaw 112 (02) *Henry \\*hite
? E5 412 ((3) ;?Imanda“f’rice 113   Hiiirysiigaitli
1 420 1 enry *arner II' _ 9 0111 e
  ? Pine 116 (86) Nat Self jr
  422 (71; ”{/F0rdtLee 117   tlxllioiiiaisi Page
515 71 acan 11g _ 5 "‘, ary arvey
  Cedar 120 (84) M Crawford
603 *Rowan Berry IZI (83) *Monroe jones
ly   607 "‘.=\lick \\i'est 123 (81) *1)avid Holley
  6U V3€311t 125 (77) M T Finn
4; E 615 (75) *P3ffl1€¤21 Cole 128 (68) *Ben johnson
Q. mg (82) *E(l\\' Boswcll 129 (73) Henry \r\/'lllll`Illl5
ji mi 620 (85) *X0ra jzieksmi ,31 ((,9) =&=jal—y>- 14-C
I} _ 623 (81) *M&fiZl ))7§1tlh Morten 13q (gg) M Marshall
J < POPLAR—-—fr0m 146 (128) Malinda llrown
  1 E Maxwell, south to 140 (60) *M Sellers
jj. .4 w Tipton 143 (57) David 'l`oles
  4 406 (8) *Emma King 150 (48) *Rohert Chinn
  O. P. LAWRENCE °’3..?° Painter
  ·   And Dealer in Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Also Agt.
_ _: '_L for W, C. PEALE & BRO. Mixed Paints- Every Can Guaranteed.
  Y,   BIO (164) E. Main. New Tel. 696. Res. Tel. New 885.
    I" `[
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