A. K. LYO N, leweler
i.i·;xixo·rox (grrr l)ll{l·Z(T'1`<)l<\'. 15 U)
(‘it_v Letter (lill'l'l(‘!‘S—-l"l'2lIll( lt l>iatn1ond, ltohert li
Skinner, l' (‘ l·`onshee, Sannuel W Murrs, John g
li lrvine, lien Sinieox, Nnthztn (`hisholm, Chas. 1-
lt` \\':trd, lt` W li l{e_vnolds, llugh A Saxton, \\'lll A
li Montat;;ne, Andrew Seott. liohert, Oots, John _ I
li Snoxvden Jr, (ieorge li llolnies 3
Suhstitute Letter (`ztrriers—\\'illiatni S Anderson, nv
Joseph li (`l'U;,[l|2lll 3 E
lturnl t`:trriers—.l ll Mztrshnll, ll .\ Jones, G (1 Helm, M
t` M Matrshatll, Jesse tlritiin. li l. (,`unningh;nn, ~ >
\\' li Nutter 5 A
'l`o this division is atssigned the supervision of all 5*,
nntil tnzttter delivered in the eit_v hy eztrrier. -1 X
tln·ou;;ln loel; hoxes or general deliver_v Boxes U; "“'
rented ond livision—ln the reatr of the (/lenerzil De-
livery vvindoxv llonrs front T at nt to 9 p ni O
George lt \\'a1rren, (`hief (`lerk I)a1_v (`Ierks, (`
l·`oster llelni. liohert I. Brown O
Night (`lerl;s—('}ttzt 'l` Jones. Vernon l’ Bzteon •
'l`his division hats elizirge of the elztssitieution. distri»
hution nnd dispztteli of inziils :
Mone_v Order 1iepztrtn1ent——l{ooni att left end of Mnin
street eorridor Utliee l1ou1·s from $:30 p 111 to >
5 p ni, Matttie l·` \\`eel;s. (`lerk llotnestie and
foreign nioney ordet·s issued und pnid in this
liepztrtinent N
Registry l)l\`lSl(>ll·—liU(llll ut the left end of the Mnin
street eorridor (Htiee hours from R;30 a in to G
0:00 p ni .\t night staunp xvindovv, ti :00 to 0 :00
p in l>z1_v elerl;. t`hzirles ll Staples; night elerl;.
lidxvatrd I. Siineox .\ll vztlunhle nizttter should
he re;;istered und tnniled in this division
Stziinp und tienernl l)l‘ll\'(’]‘_\` llivision—(}iiiee hours 5
from 7:00 n nt to 0:00 p in (`lerks: )l2\l‘§;l1‘(‘T
S (`nrroll, Iinnnai S (}ilro_v. l‘;tl\\`ill'(l I. Sinteox N
Bourtl ol` (`ivil Serviee l`]XilllliIl(‘l‘S—Sl’l‘l'l‘t{IPX-S otiiee.
rootn left end of Mnin street corridor l,ett·her m
l,ush_v President. ll S l"<)l‘lll2lll lixauniner. 'l`on1
We Will Do Repairing tor Ladies and Gentlemen in First Class Manner
Lexington Steam Cleaning and Dye Works
129 (631-2 E.) WEST MAIN. HOME PHONE 991