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i   E herewith submit our first volume of the Lexington Lity Directory. ,
  During the fall of 1901 we made a canvass of the city with a _
  view of issuing a directory at that time. While the canvas was
  _ being made we found that _]. "Hub" Prather. who had pub-
f   l1Sh€d Pl'€Vl0uS directories. had secured considerable patronage for another
  issue, and not wishing to interfere with lns work, upon consultation, we
    entered mto an agreement to publish our directories jointly.
  We had already begun work gathering the data when the project to
  renurnber the houses was introduced, and the prospects were favorable
  for its early completion. In_ view of this fact and at the suggestion of
  pgany ofbgur patrons. weldsctided to delay the work for a short time until
;     e num_ ring was comp e e .
  ‘ During our temporary absentee another publisher proposed to publish a ~
  directory at once. \Vhen this matter was brought to our notice we placed
  our m_en_ in the field and_learncd that many of our patrons had given
    subscriptions to these parties, upon the representation that we had aban-
  doned the work. _
E ;§f;_gi;j.j§ The new numbers not being placed on the houses at that time, but the
  “ _ committee in charge having located the new numbers. wc have made a
ij   ~ ` canvass of the city giving the old and new numbers and the public will
  doubtless feel no inconvenience during the time the new numbers are
a   _ not up.
  . _ We began the_publication of this directory in good faith, did not
i   intrude upon the right of any_ other publisher previously engaged ni the
{   work, and are therefore occupying the position of being the legal publishers
g—   of the directory. · _ A _ _
  The publication of directories is our special business. \Vc have all
r   t the advantages of experienced workmen in. all departments and are there-
E   '\ fcivltge prepared to make directories that will come up to the standard of
vg   ’ 0 er ci ies.
f   In coming to Lexington. we came to_a practically unoccupied field
}»   for the purpose of making an animal publication. as the demands of the
i   now rapidly increasing population requires.
»   We do not ask anything in the way of charitable preference. \Ve
i   have not attempted to evade the laws of the city. have paid the license
»     e city imposed for the prixilege and made no subtertugc plea to evade
;—·  3   it, and only ask that fair play that all legitimate business men are entitled
§ { Q  to receive. _ _ _ _ _
t_._  While this directory may be issued at a financial loss to the pub-
  iii `'°‘ ill] Iishers, it will not influence our future arrangements. \Vc will issue
Y]  . the directory hereafter annually. if the business men feel that an annual
Q   °¤ publication is necessary; U · _
{  ij; s _ Lexington is one ot the growing cities of the country. and has a na-
{7   tional reputation. In population and business it now takes a prominent
t   pos1t1¢;n_ among the inland cities. and should have all the benefits of a
    city o its importance.
z   We have established a directory library at the store of ]. "Hub"
Q   Prather, where directories of the leading cities of the United States will
kip -    be found for. reference. In exchange for this we send _:t copy of thc
  S gjgkggsi Lexington Directory to every city represented. This gives Lexington ht
;’{ ,.   prominence in libraries of all other cities _ _
—.;   There are 14.820 names contained in this volume of the directory.
A   Estimating the population of the city by the names contained in the direc~
jc  tory, the lowest multiple uscd in any city is 2%. makes the population `
  ;;_sQ` Eg? 44,600. The census report is strictly confined to territory within the city
E;§_¤f:-Q} `   limits, while the names contained in the directory take in the adjacent
    surburban territory. which properly is a part of the city population. The
    large number of names contained in the Rural Postal delivery is not con-
{27 ’  sidered in this calculation. Respectfully,
  1;- € ‘ Tue Ptmusniaits.
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