— ' ` n \y» _ _ .
I Office Item lll `
{ or Number E` ` ‘
E Bureau I
A Improvement, Notice of "”"" ‘*""‘
  S`bI`66'b , III 61 V —
l Income Statement
p Comparative 5h 75
l Indebtedness, Bonded
Sinking Fund
Schedule 5 5h 80 `
1 Floating
Schedule 4 5h 81 f
Indemnifying Bond X;[’XII 114 I
Indictment D
Summons on II 44 ,
Motion for dismissal IV 55 Z
Information II 48 I W
Inquest, Notice of II,v 20
Proceedings 1I,v 13-24
Pauper Idiot Allowance II,V 22
Physician*s allowance II,V 25
Judge*s order in II 20
Interest, Sinking Fund
Condition of 5h 74
Confession - agreement VI 98
Cost, Warrant to recover VI 97
Execution for debt VI 99
Jury, Forcibile Entry and Detainer V 64
Service, Grand XII ll7
Witness Summons XII ll6
Land Deeds I 14
Grants I I3
Patents I I2
Sold _ _
Notice of X Ile
Ledger Accounts V
Appropriation 5h 68-/I
Other Funds 5h 72
License, Automobile
Application for I 5-ll
Dog XII lI9a
Marriage I lx
70 40637-C-f3