They are of our own invention and are not to be considered as being a legal §
dictionary, but as a matter of identification for our workers to make field g
work easier rather than for the purpose of legal clarity. The Dictionary of T
Forms is arranged in numerical order by item number and is of our own g
origination; four spaces are provided for the checking of these forms. E
when the field worker has checked for the forms referred to in the Diction- 5
A ary of Forms, an estimate of the number of forms is to be made and written into €
the first space, marked, "Est. Number". In the second space, marked "FJW.", a Q
check mark will be made when the HR forms of this particular record have been Q
prepared. In the instances where none of the forms are to be found that are Q
referred to in the dictionary, the word, “none", is to be inserted in the Y
space marked, "Est. Number", and a check mark  ade in the space marked, "FJW."· §
` This will indicate to us that the form in question has not been omitted j
through error. Q
V The Section entitled Miscellaneous forms has been attached for the N
purpose of checking for forms that we may have omitted for various reasons. 1
In many instances separate and distinct forms have been developed by Officials {
to keep certain records. These records may be very old, may be of emergency A
creation and may be the most inmortant in the survey of the particular County. t
You are to fill in the title as assigned by the official for these forms and E
then write your own description of these forms in the miscellaneous section of
this manual. This may be the largest part of your work. J
IN CONCLUSION, this manual will become a permanent part of the field '
work in the same manner that HR forms are filed and kept in reference to each {
inventory prepared. This will be the last data that will be mailed to your ‘
District Office. The District Office will check this against the forms they i
have received from your County, and when they have prepared the condensed in»
ventories they will forward it on to the State Office where the inventory will
be prepared in its final form for Washington approval. A conscientious and
careful use of this manual will make your work easier and assure absolute ac- .
curacy. Parts that are not understood please refer to your District Supervisor .
or the State Office. ,
3 i