
     (2) RePort of the Business Agent.   The financial report of
the Business Agent was received. and ordered filed.

     (3) Ex-service Mena   Mr. Stoll reported to the Committee
that the suit which was to have been instituted by the ex-service
men against the University fo=r failure to provide rooms had not
been started by their attoriney Mr. Frank Ginocchio.  Inquiry
was made as to whether or not it Would be required of th e men to
file separate application for each semester for the benefits of
the law.  It was the sense of the Committee that in order to
avoid any possible difficulties that might arise in case of fail-
ure, the men should file applioation for each semester.

     f4) Purchase of Egierin     Euiment.     It was reported to
the Committee that the 'Cornraitt.e on the Purchase of Lngineering
Eouipment had made purchase aggregating $40,000.   The Secretary
of the Committee was instructed to oall the attention of the Dean
of the College of Agriculture to previ.,ns action of the Committee,
which indicated, that in viewv of the financial situation of the
University, no further purchases of such equipment should be
made at the present time.

     (5) Li.llfor Auditiro  .  The account of Marwiok, Mitchell,
Peat and Company, of New York, for $700 for auditing the books of
the University, was presented and ordered paid.

     (6) Outside EkorS H  Professor Newman.   A communication was
read from Mr. J. M. Corbin, aurveyvor of Lexington, Kentucky, pro-
testing against outside fork undertaken by Proeessor W. A. ~sawman
of the Department of Civil Engineering.   The letter was received
and ordered tiled, and the President wns requested to oall2 Profe.-
sor Netman.!s attention to the regulations of the Board of Trustees
on this point.

     (7) Roof on .Girls' Cmnasium.   The folloawing communication
was read from Mr. Whipple, regarding the roof on the girls'

                                    Rovember 19, 1920

     President Prank L. MoVey

          University of Kentucky

     My Beer President McVey:

          The roof on the girls' gymnasium is beyond repair.
     A new two-ply prepared roof is reouired.    The cost is
     shown as follows:

          Sixty Squares of roofing at $3.00 .......    $180.00
          Applying......                                 30.00