
     Appointment of Mr. W. C. Pierce as assistant in the department
of chemistry, Experiment Station, effective November 15, 1920.   Fe
is to be pnz id at the rate of *125 month for the first month, after
which time, it his vork is satisfactory and it is desirable. to row
tain him, he is to reeive , $2l50 a mQnth.

     Appointment of Miss Norma Harrison as clerk in the office of
home economics extension, at a salary of $100 a month, effective
November 1, 1920.

     Appointment of Miss Eleanor M. Onright as field agent in foods,
at a salary of $1,800 a year, effective November 5,1920.   She is a
graduate of the University of Wisconsin.

     Appointment of Dr. R. R. Stephenson as field agent in agronomy
at a salary of $2.,500,0 yea:, e-':Eective December 1. 1920, or as soon
theteafter as he reports for dut;y.  We received his bachelor's
degree frotm Purdue University il 1915, an d his doctorate degree in
1920 from Iowa Agricultural Col..lege.  He has had five years' ex-
perience as a teaches and is at present employed in the department
of agronomy in West Virginia UniversityX

     Continuation of employment of Jacqueline gall as home demon-
stration agerat, Harrison County, Kentucky at a salary of $144 1/3
a month, effective November 1, 192.0, for a period of four months.

     Continuation of employment of John A. Hunter as county agent,
Allen County, Kentucky, at -. salary of $175 a month, for a period
of twelve months, effective October 16, 1920.

     Continumtion of employment of Miss Margaret Bird, home demon-
stration agent, Craves County, Kentucky, at a salary of $141 2/3 a
month, effective Uovember 1, 1920, for a period of eight months.

     Continuation  of employment -of Miss Mildred O'flaver as county
home demonstration agen%, Logan Gounty4 Kentucky, at a salary of
$141 2/3 a month, effective November 1, 1920, for a period of eight

     Continuation of employmentsof Miss Helena Turner, home demon-
stration agent, Muhlenberg Gourity, Kentucky, at a .salary of $125
a month, effective November 1, 1920, for a period of t-vo months.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Lois Brown as home demon-
stration agnt, Oldham County, Kentucky, at a salary of $150 a
month, effective October 1, 1920, for a period of twelve months.

     Continuation of employmnent of '. A. Hensley, county agent,
Carter County, Kqetuoky, at a salary of $166 2/3 a month, effective
November 1, 1920 for  period of twelve months.

     Continuation of employment of Gambrell Mc(arty, county agent,
Oldham County, Kentucky, at a salary of $191 2/3 a month, effective
November 15, 1920, for ?, period of twelve months.